Rogue Combat
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5 years ago (Beta)
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What are your suggestions for profession combos - which ones are good together and which aren't? Which are good for X class etc...

My current thought of process:

I want gathering for each one of them and a second one which goes well together with it. Not interested in taking the same ones. If every character has it's own, it makes it more unique.

Why gathering? - I want to do something else besides doing quests while I'm leveling. It brings in cash, xp and items if well combined.

Your thoughts?

Blasted Lands
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5 years ago (Beta)
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I’m in the same boat kinda, I wanna take skinning and leatherworking on my Druid as I think it’ll work great together, I don’t know, but I also heard Engineering is a worth/recommended thing for all classes as well.
Herb/alc like you is another I’ve been looking at.

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5 years ago (Beta)
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For leveling I'm planning to do skinning/mining. Mining I'll just try to keep it current to the zone, I dont plan on grinding a ton of mats necessarily. For the skins I'll just vendor them to hopefully have money for a mount at 40. Endgame I'm thinking I'll drop skinning and go engineering. When I played in Vanilla I did skin/LW on my hunter, but it just doesn't seem like LW is worth it compared to the other crafting professions.

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EU Firemaw
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5 years ago (Beta)
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My plan is to do Hebalism/Alchemy on my Mage and Tailoring/Enchanting on my Priest who will also handle Bank and Auction House stuff

Deadwind Pass
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US Grobbulus
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5 years ago (Beta)
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Going with this all the way.

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Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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5 years ago (Beta)
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As a hunter I will level with skinning. Skinning is important. My bank alt will have enchanting to DE my items. This bank alt will be on a secondary account with leatherworking. My thick leather will be fed to this account and used to craft items to vendor. I will constantly be spamming offering to sell portals (once its 40) and willing to buy thick leather at X price to gain value by building items and vendoring them. I will hit 60 and use skinning to get my devilsaur leather. At which time I will begin farming Mara or Diremaul for gold. During this time I will take enchanting. Enchanting is important because it allows to you to disenchant unique items like blackstone ring so you can continuously farm. Assuming this does not work because Blizz breaks dungeon farming I typically move onto mining as a night elf. Night elves can rotate between shadow meld and feign to easily traverse the elite silithus caves and gather rich thorium veins. This play through I will be horde, so instead of this I will opt to create x3 level 35 characters and sell their profession cooldowns. Once I have established my gold, my main will switch to Herb/Engineering. Herb provides more gold per hour than mining (in most circumstances) and engi is necessary for high level pvp/pve.

Players who are min/maxing will change their proffs many times throughout the course of the game. I have other routes to go depending on the version of Classic we receive as well. Proffs can offer a crazy source of income if you know when and how to use them. Everyone should be leveling as skinning though and going back to redo their proffs at 60. Its way faster when you have a mount and time to invest. Wasting time on proffs in not worth it from an efficiency standpoint. If youre doing proffs just to have fun, none of this matters (obviously).

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
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5 years ago (Beta)
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I'm thinking skinning and mining initially. I'm planning to play a mage at this point but I may roll a hunter main instead... I oscillate between the two.

At some point I'll convert to engineering although there is a certain amount of temptation to go mining and engineering from the get go.

Mage Fire
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5 years ago (Beta)
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For my Mage I'm going Herb/Skin, vendor skins and stock all Herbs I need to level Alchemy after I get the 40 mount. Catch up my Alchemy skill and level it until 300 while I level.
From 1-60 I'll do DE on all BOE items on my Bank alt and then send mats to my 60 Mage to level Enchanting. Grind w/e mats I need.

Won't have Engeniring but I'm cool with it. Not going to be min-maxing anyways xD

Warlock Affliction
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US Kirtonos
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5 years ago (Beta)
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As a warlock, I was thinking of taking Mining and Skinning at the beginning for income and to get high enough to get Arcane Crystals and the Black Dragon scales. I was planning to farm and get the more expensive mats needed to get my lvl 60 quest mount. I think the other mats needed are not that expensive plus from selling my mining and skinning supplies should be enough to pay for the rest of the items I need to gather.

After that I will drop both (Maybe farm some extra Arcane crystals for more $$$ before dropping) and pick up tailoring and enchanting.
Level them side by side since I will be max level or close to it. Or maybe Herb/Alch like I was in Vanilla which was nice having all the flasks for raiding and making money!

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Tirisfal Glades
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OC Arugal
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5 years ago (Beta)
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Mining / skinning while leveling (Warrior).
Vendor the skins, bank the ores + some leathers. Drop skinning once I have enough money and pick up engineering.

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EU Firemaw
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5 years ago (Beta)
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I am gonna play Priest and wanna eventually end up with Alchemy/Herbalism but for the levelling phase I would like to get Tailoring for items and bags and one profit profession.

I am not sure what the profit prof should be though. I am deciding between Herbalism and Skinning but I dont know if herbalism alone can be close to as profitable as skinning while levelling. My goal is to get 40 mount as soon as possible.

Skinning would be good for vendoring all the skins I get but at the same time I ask myself whether it is worth the time going tailoring and skinning and then rerolling both professions at 60 or just sticking to tailoring and herbalism and once I got Truefaith Vestments then I can finally go Alchemy and Herb.

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf