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Hey guys, I did not see this mentioned anywhere so I thought I would bring it up. I am sure many people here are planing to, or with to no life till 60 or as long as they can when Classic hits. I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread discussing how to keep ourselves in the best shape mentally when we do this to make sure we both don't get sick and make the most of our spare time. If you are feeling drained and haggard this will effect your game play.

Diet and fatigue

Before classic comes, meal prep a weeks worth of food and meals. Take away pizzas and microwaved meals are fast and guilty pleasure foods that can taste good with their level of salt and sugar, however all it will do its fill you. Try and make a variety of simple and easy freeze foods that will hit the spot and actually fuel you. Think spaghetti bolognaise packed with veggies, chicken and rice curry with greens and things like that. Maybe we could even swap recipes :P . The last thing you want is to be burning out fast and spewing out your asshole because you were starving and not prepared.

Further on, to manage fatigue portion out your caffeine. If you are drinking coffee try and limit it to two every four hours, or for energy drinks stick to the 2 can limit. In between that drink water and tea. Hydration will keep you sharper and allow you to play more effectively for longer.

Manage your sleep properly. Yes I am aware that no lifing means spending more time in Azeroth than you would at your full time job. However adjust your sleeping pattern to put your grandparents to shame. Its much better to be waking up 6 - 7 AM and playing hardcore until 7 - 8 PM and showering and sleeping with your wife/girlfriend/pet and getting that extra sleep without catching GF aggro. It will also allow adjusting to normal life again easier. Hell you may even end up with a better sleeping pattern after its all done than when you started. Waking up earlier rather than staying up later will also give you an advantage of less congested zones in the early hours of the morning.


What other aspects of no lifing can you think of that we can discuss to improve and mitigate the negatives effects. I will add to the list later, but I want to hear from everyone else. The point of the discussion is to let us grind and no life as hard as we can, for as long as we can, as effective as we can without ruining our health and lives :P

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Vikernes - Human Warlock - Arugal
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I am certainly not in a position to 'no life' when classic hits, but your advice is good and I really hope people take it on board. Get 7 hours sleep, keep hydrated and eat well. Also make sure you give your eyes a break every now and then - go and check the mailbox and give your dog a pat every couple of hours or so.

Stay sane, exiles.

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I smoke too much so the eyes thing helps because I’ll be going out for grettes. Lungs are fucked though, oh well. Oh and I drink a lot of tea (to americans it might seem a lot anyway - brits won’t be surpised at a 6 or 7 cuppa day) so hydration isn’t the worst.

Sleep? Now you got me. Man I am bad at getting in a kip - quite often I’ll work on the site until 4am or something mad like that. Only because I’m not on duty atm of course!

The advice re: frozen meals is a good one. Big vat of chilli to freeze into seven meals, big vat of chicken/veg broth for another seven, and finally a few goodies as well - one must treat ones self in these times of hardship!!

Check out the bottom of J Norton’s Orc Warlock guide, he has some very wise things to say about moving about.

   Dolamite Cowyousaid
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Solid recommendations. Whenever I plan to go "all in" i set a timer on my phone for 60 minutes. Once it rings I do 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 lunges, and I go get a refill of water. Keeps me from feeling like shit and it seems to keep me engaged on what I'm wanting to "nolife."

If I'm in a BG or Dungeon, just knock it out when that's finished. Raids: breaks or prep times.

   Toastea Vemp Cletus Henhouse Marxman Atticus PhillyOutty
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Dolamite wrote:
5 years ago
Solid recommendations. Whenever I plan to go "all in" i set a timer on my phone for 60 minutes. Once it rings I do 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 lunges, and I go get a refill of water. Keeps me from feeling like shit and it seems to keep me engaged on what I'm wanting to "nolife."

If I'm in a BG or Dungeon, just knock it out when that's finished. Raids: breaks or prep times.

Thats the thing. Its better to play for 10 hours with breaks and self care, then play for 12 hours only going to the bathroom. You will feel like shit, your family will hate you and you are likely to die more often

   Dolamite Mordraek

Vikernes - Human Warlock - Arugal
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Toastea wrote:
5 years ago

Manage your sleep properly. Yes I am aware that no lifing means spending more time in Azeroth than you would at your full time job. However adjust your sleeping pattern to put your grandparents to shame. Its much better to be waking up 6 - 7 AM and playing hardcore until 7 - 8 PM and showering and sleeping with your wife/girlfriend/pet and getting that extra sleep without catching GF aggro. It will also allow adjusting to normal life again easier. Hell you may even end up with a better sleeping pattern after its all done than when you started. Waking up earlier rather than staying up later will also give you an advantage of less congested zones in the early hours of the morning.
I've done his sort of no-lifing before and I can vouch for waking up early. I generally got up around 6-7am and ground out until 11pm. That will get you around 16 hours of grind and still around 8 hours of sleep.
Dolamite wrote:
5 years ago
Solid recommendations. Whenever I plan to go "all in" i set a timer on my phone for 60 minutes. Once it rings I do 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 lunges, and I go get a refill of water. Keeps me from feeling like shit and it seems to keep me engaged on what I'm wanting to "nolife."

If I'm in a BG or Dungeon, just knock it out when that's finished. Raids: breaks or prep times.
This is also good if for nothing else than to keep your blood flowing through your body. Sitting for long periods without proper circulation can kill you very literally. I suggest using the next few months to get into better shape in general while you have the time and it'll help you for marathon grind sessions.

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Guys do not forget to work out at lest 1 hours in the morning, trust me - it will keep you fresh and running. Workout + shower and you are good to go for the whole day.

   Dolamite Selexin Sanniey
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edoslawsky wrote:
5 years ago
Guys do not forget to work out at lest 1 hours in the morning, trust me - it will keep you fresh and running. Workout + shower and you are good to go for the whole day.
This will be different for everyone, but I like to fight. So what I usually do is 15 mins of light warm ups. Stretching, push ups, light things like that. Then I will go for half an hour on a heavy bag and then 15 minutes of yoga.

understand this is not everyone's thing or even exercise in general. But maybe a bike ride to get some breakfast or ride home or something will be good


Vikernes - Human Warlock - Arugal
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I like to workout in the evenings, but my plan is it go into work extra early, get out, workout then play for the rest of the night! can't nolife as well as I used to but I want to get a lot of time in.

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Step 1: acquire big desk.
Step 2: acquire microwave and coffeepot and set them on desk.
Step 3: acquire 3 gallon jugs of water. Use 3 per day, showering at the desk, drinking.
Step 4: acquire a blanket.
Step 5: acquire mini-fridge.
Step 6: Live my life :lol:

   Cletus fendor madsen Dolamite Cowyousaid Mordraek
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This thread is making me envious of the time people are going to have. :mrgreen:

Though i certainly condone the exercising part. When you're spending 90% of your day playing sedentary WoW, your mental state will thank you, let alone your physical.

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Unfortunately I'm not in a position to no-life when Classic Wow will come out. I'm very envious of you! :D


Toastea wrote:
5 years ago
spaghetti bolognaise

Ish-ne-alo por-ah (May the days ahead be guided by the elders of long ago)

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So jelly reading this.

I'll get an hour or two a day if I'm lucky.

   Thrice fendor
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Relik wrote:
5 years ago
So jelly reading this.

I'll get an hour or two a day if I'm lucky.
Silver lining:
You'll be satisfied with the content for a very long time, whereas others will be 'done', in their minds.

   Relik Cowyousaid
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> tips on how to no-life
> sleep 8 hours a day, don't upset your girlfriend, eat healthy, exercise for 1 hour and don't overdo caffeine

Damn, that's so hardcore.

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SentientGypsy wrote:
5 years ago
Step 1: acquire big desk.
Step 2: acquire microwave and coffeepot and set them on desk.
Step 3: acquire 3 gallon jugs of water. Use 3 per day, showering at the desk, drinking.
Step 4: acquire a blanket.
Step 5: acquire mini-fridge.
Step 6: Live my life :lol:
Found the grown-up Eric Cartman.

Deadwind Pass
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Nymis wrote:
5 years ago
> tips on how to no-life
> sleep 8 hours a day, don't upset your girlfriend, eat healthy, exercise for 1 hour and don't overdo caffeine

Damn, that's so hardcore.
Well thats the thing. The point of the thread is how to put in stupid hours while still being able to function as a human being. Ironically, not no lifing actually makes you no life better :lol:


Vikernes - Human Warlock - Arugal
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Nymis wrote:
5 years ago
> tips on how to no-life
> sleep 8 hours a day, don't upset your girlfriend, eat healthy, exercise for 1 hour and don't overdo caffeine

Damn, that's so hardcore.
Damn Nymis, you're so edgy. :neutral:

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Sadly im a cog in society now and can't absolutely no life it like before, but you bet your ass the first thing i do when i get home from work will be logging in.

|Gutbuster| - Dwarf warrior - Dwarven defender
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My dudes, if you're worried about losing your life over no-lifing in WoW then you're not really no-lifing it.

   Araghast Umbra FTHforever
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Fooling around within the game as long as we are not to be found drooling and untamed without.

Also, fresh water over stimulants. Fasting like a true meditative sweetheart, axing at nightmares though our voice while nurturing dreams with both hands.

-Spying from the grave at the behest of the Kirin Tor. Roughly speaking.-
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Lol at the aggroing the GF. I won't be able to no life it either, but I don't think I would want to anyways... Sure sometimes playing 8hr in a Sunday feels great, but doing it for more than one day straight... idk I think it isn't for me. Nor like I could do it anyway atm lol

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At the very least, make sure you get up and really stretch / move your legs as you play. Last thing you want is a blood clot to form in your leg from sitting still too long.

Alterac Valley
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As I dont think anyone will follow any guide to no lifing (you are already following your leveling guide if you nolife :lol:), there is some common knowlegde of how to prep for a big game relase:

  • inform your relatives & friends & contacts beforehand that you will be busy for a couple of days, so they aren't worried
  • stack some Food you like, if its even healthly, thats a big plus, but not nescessarry. It should be easy to make though!
  • don't do too much "uppers" like coffee and a polysaccharide, eventually they are just making you more nervous, not more awake
  • get up early, get into bed early. The average wow gamer logs in after 19:00 and plays until he can't stomach anymore / has to go. So you have less competition and ganks if you play during the morning / day.
  • use fruits and veggies as energy refill, some ppl like drinking juice too. Stay hydrated!
  • use the forced breaks like flights and transfers for standing up and stretching your hand. Someone told me that in the early game, everytime he is on autowalk for a long time (hi ally leveling -.-) he stands up and walks on the spot :lol:
  • if you like to stop, stop. No point in burning out in the first couple of days - you can always continue after a rest

Hope that helps someone :cool:

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Getting a catheter and colostomy bag put in to contain the puréed hot pocket feeding tube induced diherrea.