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Towards wanting to play Classic?

As much as I love everything about the old World of Warcraft, the recent burst of questionable decisions makes me more wary of wanting to play World of Warcraft Classic.

All from the Blizzcon announcements and their seemingly big focus on mobile games, the rather poor handling of Battle for Azeroth, how Blizzard are found acting on certain fansites trying to silence players, their attempt at removing dislikes and comments from their YouTube video of Diablo Immortal, to the sudden removal of the Heroes of the Storm competitive scene, despite giving promises during Blizzcon. There are probably some others things I am missing to list as well.

Even if it is not a whole about Classic itself, the company makes me want to step away from them, and even to the point I am willing to miss out on World of Warcraft Classic if things starts to look too rough. There are already some things within Classic I do not like to see, like the loot trading they might put in, as well as the sharding, but at least they seem open for discussion, and I honestly hope they change their stance on it.

So far, I will probably not give up on Classic, but I am very wary. Neither am I here to spread Doomsday, but I am curious on how people feel torwards it all with how Activision Blizzard is acting.

Share your thoughts.

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I have very clear reasons for wanting to play Classic and they have nothing to do with Blizzard.

I want my progress saved permanently, I want my account details to be secure and not sold to other websites, I don't want corrupt GMs anymore, I don't want any more cease and desist letters shutting down servers, I want bugs to be fixed properly, I don't want convenience measures implemented in the game anymore, I don't want to see cross-faction collusion, no more cash/cosmetic/vote shops, no more F R E S H servers, no more "you didn't pay anything so you have no right to complain".

If they fail to deliver that then sure, I'll look again towards private servers. I think they realize that we will always have that option available if they try adding anything new in and won't do anything like that. BfA players don't really have the option of playing a BfA version where, for example, the classes actually feel balanced, fun and engaging to play.

   Jpy fendor
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I would just say, don't have too high expectations. I personally am still kinda hyped for it, but I cannot ignore the stuff thats happening.

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf
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I’m very excited but very concerned as well.
I’m not going to let worry ruin the experience for me, though, so I’ll give it a fair chance until I can actually confirm it’s not what it should be.

If that happens, I’ll probably go back to single player Diablo 2 or maybe Dota as I doubt there will be private servers around once Blizzard has their own version up.

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If Blizzard were to release a new IP then yes I would be concerned about the direction taken, and probably wouldn't play it either. Ever since they butchered the Diablo franchise with D3 I haven't actually played any new Blizzard games because I don't like the way they make games any more.

But this is different - Classic, as has been mentioned many times before, will be a reproduction of the original game and nothing more than that. There isn't a huge risk of commercial pressure, or feature bloat, or any of the other countless things that new IPs will be blighted by. It's going to be WoW 2005 and that's it - they can't break the game :smile:

So no, I'm not terribly worried. They can carry on making sequels and expansions and new stuff but it doesn't really bother me one bit - so long as I can still play D2, WC3, and soon WoW Classic I couldn't care less about any of that other shite!

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And yet, they have already confirmed changes to it, and not small ones. I think they can still fuck it up in many ways but time will tell.

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"I want my progress saved permanently, I want my account details to be secure and not sold to other websites, I don't want corrupt GMs anymore, I don't want any more cease and desist letters shutting down servers, I want bugs to be fixed properly, I don't want convenience measures implemented in the game anymore, I don't want to see cross-faction collusion, no more cash/cosmetic/vote shops, no more F R E S H servers, no more "you didn't pay anything so you have no right to complain."
This is why i stopped playing on private servers a while ago.
I just hope WoW:Classic has a good team that actualy cares about the game and doesn't ruin it with changes or bad decisions.

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Warrior Fury
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Syturio wrote:
5 years ago
"I want my progress saved permanently, I want my account details to be secure and not sold to other websites, I don't want corrupt GMs anymore, I don't want any more cease and desist letters shutting down servers, I want bugs to be fixed properly, I don't want convenience measures implemented in the game anymore, I don't want to see cross-faction collusion, no more cash/cosmetic/vote shops, no more F R E S H servers, no more "you didn't pay anything so you have no right to complain."
This is why i stopped playing on private servers a while ago.
I just hope WoW:Classic has a good team that actualy cares about the game and doesn't ruin it with changes or bad decisions.
While Ion Hazzikostas seems pretty disliked with his Q&A sessions for Battle for Azeroth, he looked, and did sound very passionate for Classic during Blizzcon, with the rest of the team.

Compared to the Battle for Azeroth panels, the developers always sounds so stale and bored, but with Classic it felt there was a lot of excitement behind their words and actions.

Of course, it's always easy to pull off an act, but I choose to believe in the passion here.

   teebling Tol0th fendor
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If Classic is successful (and I mean in the mid-term, when the tourists have gone), I foresee some clumsy attempts to monetise additional legacy servers and the adoption of pay-for-60 and wow tokens etc

Its sad I know but by the time Classic is at that stage Actimel-Blizzard may just be out of money and ideas - if the recent Diablo mobile fiasco is anything to go by.

Tirisfal Glades
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I am very wary about classic and blizzard in general. To me it seems like activision is preparing Blizzard for a sale (which might actually be for the best if the right buyer is interested), but alternatively they might be preparing to gut blizzard as well for under-performing.

Out of Recent Blizzard content the only product that I have purchased and been completely happy with since vanilla wow is Starcraft 2. Diablo 3 was the first product I felt betrayed by blizzard for after I bought it it was the first of their games that I didn't buy an expansion for. I enjoyed cata and legion but I never made it to the end of a wow game after Vanilla. These concerns have left me reluctant to support blizzard at all. My love for vanilla wow is so great though that I'm willing to put that all aside and have faith in classic and I'll be there leading/building a guild unless it's a shit show.

I have to respond to the loot trading criticism since it's mixed into your wariness. Why would the temporary trading window of 2 hours of unequipped items between people eligible to loot the item bother you. What dynamic do your foresee happening that will somehow use this system to undermine authentic vanilla play. GMs could and would fix mislooted items in vanilla. The proposed loot trading system is just a streamlined DIY version of GM help, so I don't see any legitimate concerns with it though I'm open to having my mind changed..

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Warrior Fury
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Lne wrote:
5 years ago
I have to respond to the loot trading criticism since it's mixed into your wariness. Why would the temporary trading window of 2 hours of unequipped items between people eligible to loot the item bother you. What dynamic do your foresee happening that will somehow use this system to undermine authentic vanilla play. GMs could and would fix mislooted items in vanilla. The proposed loot trading system is just a streamlined DIY version of GM help, so I don't see any legitimate concerns with it though I'm open to having my mind changed..
Thanks for your thoughts. I will answer this question as good as I can.

In all honesty, I'm actually not too sure how it will work, since there seems to be different ideas of what it is -- which makes me unsure what the real answer is. Neither do I know how it works in retail at this moment.

Anyway, if we go with what you said;

Why would the temporary trading window of 2 hours of unequipped items between people eligible to loot the item bother you.
Loot was very important back in Vanilla, and will of course be important in Classic. There are very specific bis (best in slot) items pre-raids that drops in dungeons. The fact that dungeons in the old days were a bit more time consuming, i.e. requires more dedication from you, losing a piece of equipment in a pug was always sour (but, of course, an experience that existed.)

Hence the idea of people joining pugs. You, versus 4 others that are friends. This new loot system would then let all of the friends need-roll this item, to then trade over to their friend. So instead of you rolling against the other person, you will now have to roll against 3 additional people.

If this works in dungeons, I am against it, because situations like this will escalate, to the point joining pugs will be seen as a loss, rather than a good experience.

In raids with Master Loot? I can see it work a bit more nicely, but then there's the idea of people using a system like DKP again. What stops a player from 'buying' an item, to then trade it over to another person who bribed with gold, letting the briber build up even more DKP but still earn items without the knowledge of anyone unless you keep track of their gear, and 39 other players.

These are some scenarios I can imagine, but since I don't know exactly how the system works, I can't pinpoint what the problem will be.

Hence why I think it's better in general to not add this loot feature, and let player "errors" in raids be a player error, and ninja looters be in dungeons. At least if you go with a pug of 4 people, whoever rolls on the items and wins it, won't be able to trade it to their friend.

Stonetalon Mountains
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Lne wrote:
5 years ago
Out of Recent Blizzard content the only product that I have purchased and been completely happy with since vanilla wow is Starcraft 2. Diablo 3 was the first product I felt betrayed by blizzard for after I bought it it was the first of their games that I didn't buy an expansion for.
Aye, I stopped after SC2 as well. D3 had some of the most god awful voice acting and dialogue of any modern game I've played (and I have played a lot of shit games). From them to have gone from the incredibly atmospheric, unsettling and expansive world of D2 to the linear, arcade punch-em-up that D3 ended up as shows how a lot of their creative talent has gone.

But this all begs the question which is that are sequels really ever any good? It happens in film too when a company sees the potential to make a quick buck by releasing a feature film as a prequel or spin off.

To borrow the term used by @Firelord in another thread, Classic will be best published as a 'museum piece' - a game frozen in time with all of it's charm and irregularity built in too. Blizzard would be hard pressed to fuck it up as badly as they have done with sequels like D3 etc. so let us remember that this is a release that has a much more concise aim, which is:
 Blizzard Entertainment
We want to create an experience that feels just like 2006 World of Warcraft. If someone was playing WoW in 2006, and they lay down and took a very, very, very long nap, and woke up in 2019 and we sat them in front of WoW: Classic, it shouldn't feel like an immediately different experience. You might wonder like why this monitor is so thin and all that, but other than that, it should feel like the game that you know.
Straight from the horse's mouth. I wouldn't worry.

Alterac Valley
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I am quite concerned yeah id say so, shading kind of spooked me I hope it won't stay for too long or at all hopefully I can see the reason for them using it though, The demo looks fine there is a lot of work to do I believe though, because things like the retail icons being an option for your macros and some other aspects of the game that are still retail. What I feel they are doing is basically starting with a 1.12 client checking comparisons and basically deleting the modern aspects from retail. And right now I can say that I do think that but I hope this will be a true vanilla experience. It will never be how it was in 2004, but it can still be a great game with unforgettable memories you can make with your friends and guildies.

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Tol0th wrote:
5 years ago

 Blizzard Entertainment
We want to create an experience that feels just like 2006 World of Warcraft. If someone was playing WoW in 2006, and they lay down and took a very, very, very long nap, and woke up in 2019 and we sat them in front of WoW: Classic, it shouldn't feel like an immediately different experience. You might wonder like why this monitor is so thin and all that, but other than that, it should feel like the game that you know.
Straight from the horse's mouth. I wouldn't worry.
Wow i haven't seen this quote before. This gives me more hope that classic is gonna be truly authentic :)

"Stop screwing around! It's a long way down... let me control the character"
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Samizosan wrote:
5 years ago
Tol0th wrote:
5 years ago

 Blizzard Entertainment
We want to create an experience that feels just like 2006 World of Warcraft. If someone was playing WoW in 2006, and they lay down and took a very, very, very long nap, and woke up in 2019 and we sat them in front of WoW: Classic, it shouldn't feel like an immediately different experience. You might wonder like why this monitor is so thin and all that, but other than that, it should feel like the game that you know.
Straight from the horse's mouth. I wouldn't worry.
Wow i haven't seen this quote before. This gives me more hope that classic is gonna be truly authentic :)
There are pretty calming comments from Blizzard here, coming from the official US forums.

 Blizzard Entertainment
Mounts and companions you get in classic SHOULD NOT be usable across multiple characters on the same classic account, however, you should be able to have these rewards in retail. This will increase the longevity of classic.
Like it was stated at BlizzCon there will be no crossover in rewards between Retail WoW and Classic WoW. I don’t think there is any need to change that stance but I appreciate the post OP.

I think its fair to ask for an opportunity to earn those rewards again however I don’t think it should come at the cost of diminishing the rewards that players earned years ago and cherish. I think the opportunity to earn and have them exclusively on Classic is fair because its staying on Classic itself. I think any more crossover than that could be damaging and lessen the value or prestige of those rewards.

It’s a pretty solid philosophy at the moment that there will be zero crossover of rewards.
 Blizzard Entertainment
What about the original Collector’s Edition pets? Surely that’s a different case. Nothing else is like that and it would be a cool little tip of the hat to those who got the original collector’s edition (which isn’t many people).
This is something interesting but nothing decided or concrete on it.

I would try to seperate in your mind retail and classic. Something you buy on retail shouldn’t give you something in Classic, or vice versa. The philosophy is pretty rock solid that they are separate gameplay wise. If you obtained the original CE pets you used those/can still use those in the live game you obtained it for.

It is an interesting thought though, that to some that did have it, that was a part of their classic experience. It’s likely we won’t implement something that ties into the existing things you own on the live game, but maybe reoffer them since Classic is it’s own thing. Before the fury of that statement sinks in, I’m not saying that will happen at all (there literally hasn’t even been a discussion of it), just sharing my thoughts on a solution to that problem that I could see.

This also could be an exception where we somehow grant them for original CE owners. No idea. Interesting thing to think about though. I’ll mention it though that you guys are asking about the original CE pets for original CE owners.
 Blizzard Entertainment
Literally one of two reasons I’d ever consider doing Classic just shot down instantly. You know that thing that’s used to keep people playing? You guys are just throwing it away. Seems very silly.
Sorry you feel this way but if that’s what you were hoping for then it sounds like Classic isn’t really for you. That’s okay though. I still encourage you to try it though!

It’s not throwing it away, its giving the community that wants Classic the most authentic experience we can provide. Adding any sort of reward carry over in either direction isn’t authentic and defeats the point.

Classic is there for those that will want to play it. Not just for rewards on their BfA license, which would be devaluing to those that earned those rewards that are no longer obtainable, and vice versa would be introducing things that were never there in Classic to begin with. Neither of which we want to do in this case. We know the community that has been asking for Classic for years doesn’t want either of those scenarios, and neither do we.
Those are probably my favourite among a couple of different comments, all from the Blue Tracker.

https://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/110 ... d-linking/

Alterac Valley
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 Blizzard Entertainment
Literally one of two reasons I’d ever consider doing Classic just shot down instantly. You know that thing that’s used to keep people playing? You guys are just throwing it away. Seems very silly.
Sorry you feel this way but if that’s what you were hoping for then it sounds like Classic isn’t really for you. That’s okay though. I still encourage you to try it though!

It’s not throwing it away, its giving the community that wants Classic the most authentic experience we can provide. Adding any sort of reward carry over in either direction isn’t authentic and defeats the point.

Classic is there for those that will want to play it. Not just for rewards on their BfA license, which would be devaluing to those that earned those rewards that are no longer obtainable, and vice versa would be introducing things that were never there in Classic to begin with. Neither of which we want to do in this case. We know the community that has been asking for Classic for years doesn’t want either of those scenarios, and neither do we.
Those are probably my favourite among a couple of different comments, all from the Blue Tracker.

https://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/110 ... d-linking/
Damn that's a large sigh i just let out, This is awesome! The vibe i get from these posts makes me really feel like they want to recreate this authentic experience. :)

"Stop screwing around! It's a long way down... let me control the character"
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Samizosan wrote:
5 years ago
Damn that's a large sigh i just let out, This is awesome! The vibe i get from these posts makes me really feel like they want to recreate this authentic experience. :)
It is quite the relief to see, indeed. But I think it's worth remembering that it's very easy to say a lot of good things, and fool people that way.

Not saying that is the case here, but it is easy to be fooled.

As I said before, I choose to believe in the passion of the game here, rather than corporate greed (even if there might be some behind all decisions they do.)

Alterac Valley
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It is quite the relief to see, indeed. But I think it's worth remembering that it's very easy to say a lot of good things, and fool people that way.

Not saying that is the case here, but it is easy to be fooled.

As I said before, I choose to believe in the passion of the game here, rather than corporate greed (even if there might be some behind all decisions they do.)
Yeah no doubt, there is going to be corporate greed especially with blizzard, Im still cautious just more positive now that I know the devs want to also recreate a classic experience. (Hopefully)

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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I'm a bit scared, but since I was waiting for Classic from like 2008, I will SURELY play it. I don't think they will change anything significant, because they know they would lose most of the player base. But for me a change like the loot trading one is already borderline: I mean, I understand why they do this, but every development choice in a living world like an MMORPG is as consequences on the world itself, so they will have to tread lightly in this way, otherwise they could involuntarily break the game.

Ish-ne-alo por-ah (May the days ahead be guided by the elders of long ago)

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