Warrior Protection
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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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Candletaker wrote:
6 years ago
Firelord wrote:
6 years ago
Be wary of twinked priests, they are a pain too!
Human holy priest with engineering for a little more burst was my go to :twisted: Jump in circles casting renew and fear in group fights you basically can't die, good times. Next to impossible to solo kill with but fun none the less!
Kind of like lvl19 disc priests in legion, so fucking hard to kill!

Sometimes annoying the enemy is even better than killing them :)

Welcome btw!

Warsong Gulch
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Wasn't twinking an original gold sink back in Vanilla? The items were just so expensive on the AH. I can hardly imagine any twinks running around at least in the beginning. It always seemed to me as a luxury activity for the dedicated players.

- anno 2005.
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Razor wrote:
6 years ago
Wasn't twinking an original gold sink back in Vanilla? The items were just so expensive on the AH. I can hardly imagine any twinks running around at least in the beginning. It always seemed to me as a luxury activity for the dedicated players.
It is a gold sink, however I don't think you need to be specially dedicated. A rogue or Hunter can get by with these items, where I'd say only Feet of the Lynx and Scouting Gloves are the somewhat expensive parts. Enchants you can progressively get better ones; there are some cheap ones that will make you competitive though.

Retail Legion stats, but same items. WoWhead only thing that worked.

Head: http://www.wowhead.com/item=19972/lucky-fishing-hat
Shoulders: http://www.wowhead.com/item=10657/talbar-mantle
Back: http://www.wowhead.com/item=2059/sentry-cloak http://www.wowhead.com/item=6449/glowin ... cale-cloak
Chest: http://www.wowhead.com/item=10399/black ... fias-armor http://www.wowhead.com/item=2041/tunic-of-westfall
Bracers: http://www.wowhead.com/item=3202/forest-leather-bracers
Gloves: http://www.wowhead.com/item=6586/scouting-gloves http://www.wowhead.com/item=10413/gloves-of-the-fang
Belt: http://www.wowhead.com/item=6468/deviate-scale-belt
Pants: http://www.wowhead.com/item=5961/dark-leather-pants http://www.wowhead.com/item=10410/leggings-of-the-fang
Boots: http://www.wowhead.com/item=1121/feet-of-the-lynx
Ring: http://www.wowhead.com/item=2933/seal-of-wrynn
Ring: http://www.wowhead.com/item=20429/legionnaires-band
Trinket http://www.wowhead.com/item=18852/insignia-of-the-horde
Trinket http://www.wowhead.com/item=4381/minor-recombobulator

   omniGG Iced_Plasma
Warsong Gulch
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How would you farm the BiS BoP items for level 19 rogue twink without actually dinging 20 accidentally? It is a question of luck, when you think about it. Considering the fact that there was no option to turn off the experience bar back in Vanilla.

Or you must have a special group of people who would allow you to join the only the needed boss fights in such instances as WC. Which is a bit complicated to accomplish, if you ask me. :razz:

- anno 2005.
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Razor wrote:
6 years ago
How would you farm the BiS BoP items for level 19 rogue twink without actually dinging 20 accidentally? It is a question of luck, when you think about it. Considering the fact that there was no option to turn off the experience bar back in Vanilla.

Or you must have a special group of people who would allow you to join the only the needed boss fights in such instances as WC. Which is a bit complicated to accomplish, if you ask me. :razz:
You have to plan out the quests needed so that you're done before hitting 19. Good idea to explore the whole map too. Wailing Caverns / Shadowfang etc. can be done by going into the dungeon at the time of a given boss drop you need. The level 60 clears everything else while you wait outside.

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Firelord wrote:
6 years ago
Jynirax wrote:
6 years ago
The fun thing about Rogues in Vanilla is that despite that one insanely annoying player that keeps rolling you over and over, not all Rogues were capable of playing the class to the level required for PvP dominance. It has a relatively high skill cap to play properly and dedicating yourself to PvP means taking engineering and honing your skills. Even though some Rogues completely dominate that's only if they mastered a relatively complex class and spent the time to create a finely honed weapon that took precision and experience. A bad rogue is hilariously useless in PvP. A good rogue is the stuff of nightmares.
I do not doubt that player skills in MMO gaming has increased, so we will see many deadly rogue, moreso than they were during actual Classic. However, this is equally true for every other class as well. We are going to see ‘sick’ plays from every class in Classic I believe.
This is so true - the min maxing today will be unreal. People have far better access to the learning resources required to play at that level now, and we will definitely see some f***ing annoying rogues around.

Warsong Gulch
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I was thinking one day, that part of original Vanilla experience, which is actually irreversible, is general playerbase being, well, innocently dumb :smile:

2006 looks like kindergarten compared to today's level of theorycrafting, resources and archives available. Literally everything is on the palm of your hand. I'm actually quite interested to find out how it will impact the course of the game. Basically - we're gonna be living in the Back to the Future movie, when everything upcoming is known already.

- anno 2005.
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Yes and no - sure access to resources is great and all but what about the resources themselves? I can see priv server stuff being kind of relevant but it may need to be rewritten depending on the way blizz decide to handle classic. A lot of good stuff has already disappeared from the net by now

it will still take time for people to learn the game again with all its subtleties

Hunter Marksman
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I've never actually twinked a character in Classic WoW, but after reading this thread it sounds like twinking a rogue would be great fun. Might have to give it a try!

Awaiting Classic WoW

Rogue Subtlety
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Idk, but i had 19 lvl hunter troll back in vanilla and it was OP asf

:ugeek: Think of a number between 1 and 10 :confused: . Multiply it by 9 and subtract 1 :smile: . Now close your eyes :mad: . It's dark isn't it? :cool:
Swamp of Sorrows
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US Bigglesworth
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I've had numerous of twinks on my vanilla-wrath period so I would like to share some of my thoughts. Here are some of the twinks i played:

19 Rogue - Vanilla
29 Warrior - Vanilla
39 Rogue - TBC / Wrath
39 Warlock - Vanilla / TBC / Wrath
39 Paladin - TBC / Wrath
49 Warrior - Vanilla / TBC / Wrath
49 Rogue - TBC / Wrath
60 Mage - Wrath

From my experience the best classes for each brackets are:

10-19 Hunters are definitely the best class overall. The gear from DM and WC favors them highly + pet and long range makes them great choice for this bracket. Honorable mention goes to fire mages with lvl18 fireball being really strong, priests and rogues.

20-29 - Hunters still rule the bracket in my opinion. Aspect of the cheetah makes them even better kiters / flagkeepers. Druids also come strong due to having cat form (stealth and running speed increase which is huge on BG where most people can only move with 100% speed.

30-39 This is where it starts getting interesting. It was one of my favourite brackets along with 40-49. Classes start to get more skills and abilities, and toolkit becomes greater. Rogues start to shine more with more tricks, also the sword of omen and vanquishers blade favor them heavily. Hunters are strong on all brackets so I'm not gonna dwell on them anymore here. Enhancement shamans are also pretty strong, especially if you manage to get your hands on Pendulum of d$$m. My personal best for this bracket is hands down Warlock. If you have the money, the amount of BIS gear that is available for locks on this bracket is insane. Robe of the magi, Staff of jordan, double Underworld band, the sheer amount of spellpower is crazy. Combine that with engineering shadow dmg lens and couple of +shadow dmg items and you can kill any non-healer with a round of dots. VW sac, constant dots+fear, Siphon Life and a big health pool will make you unstoppable. Even if you somehow manage to get killed, everyone that you have already doted will die. I remember scoring BGs 40 or even 50-0 kill/death counts on WSG.

40-49 Hands down, warriors are the kings of this bracket. WIth Kang the decapitator and some BIS twink gear you will 1-2 shot people with charge + AA and MS, and with a healer on your back you feel a bit like a mini version of a r14 warrior on lvl 60. Second place goes to shadow priests here, with shadow form and a greater pool of spellpower items. Enhancement shamans also shine here, along with mages and hunters.

I havent played twinks since WOTLK so i may have mixed some classes with TBC or WOTLK, but as far as i remember those were the best picks in Vanilla twinking. If you guys have any questions about the topic feel free to ask!

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