Priest Discipline
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EU Auberdine
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Hi there !

I'm currently leveling a priest healer (lvl 51), but I'm not really sure if I should continue.
My main is a warlock since Legion and my alts are mostly healers.

I thought being a healer in Classic would be a challenge and funny, but being a warlock is something I really miss.

Is it too late to ding a Warlock 60 and clean Ony and MC before Blackwing's Lair hit ? The leveling will be faster than my priest but idk if it's a good idea..

What do you think ?

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US Atiesh
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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It’s never to late. Just play both if that is what you want

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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do what you love!

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EU Gandling
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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There is no rush. People will continue to clear MC/Ony long after BWL hits.

Locks are also pretty fast to level thanks to low downtime.

Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Classic will be around for a long time and people will be gatekept behind phases. As soon as you level up, and assuming youre willing to play a desirable spec for raids, finding a raid spot and gearing for the current phase should be pretty easy.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
Paladin Holy
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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Aye, no worries about changing, finding groups might be a bit tougher compared to launch but with BGs opening on the 10th, then World conditions should start to normalize and become increasingly more acceptable.

- Xcellers
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EU Flamelash
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Never too late to change. If you don't mind me asking, where did this "is it too late to change" attitude come from?

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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People are to wrapped up in phases, just play and do what you want.

Warrior Arms
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EU Wyrmthalak
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I am on same boat as you, leveled a warrior because my group of friends needed a tank. They are not playing as much anymore so do i. I am leveling a hunter so i can do pvp/pve with same talents as i enjoy both.

Alterac Valley
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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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You can join pretty late (phase 5 for example) and still get a lvl60 which can raid in naxxramas. But that will take some serious time commitment then.
But for your question, yeah np at all. make a new one. But better check up if you like the new class, for some people the problem is the game not the class.

Arathi Basin
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EU Ten Storms
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Never too late!

I have alt and characters with a total xp of roughly 2.3x lvl 60s if I add them up, but no level 60 yet (51 being highest). Will make a Hunter today when I come home as well. Play the game in a way YOU like it. Raiding is not "end game" content for everyone. For me it's just a bonus.

End game for me is being in a social and close knit guild where everyone genuinely know each other. You make random dungeons, PvP, and even raids if you have the manpower for it. It's also fun to communicate and do temporary merges with guilds if you are missing players.

Positive Communication creates a Positive Community.

Though, if raiding IS your end game content, like others posted above, people will be clearing all raids for quite some time. Even MC/Ony. In vanilla my guild was "kind of" farming AQ, and I joined in my 50s when they were farming AQ. Once a week they ran through MC and Onyxia with their alts and if their alts were geared they stayed on main and just made the whole process faster.

I would NEVER be in a guild who puts their own progress before guild community. If my guild would say that we no longer will be doing MC because too few need items from it, I would leave it in a heartbeat. (Personal opinion). I'd rather stay guildless.

Altaholic playing the following:
Ten Storms EU Alliance
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Warlock Destruction
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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Depends on your expectations and play time.

High expectations and high play time means you'll probably get everything you want but risk burning out.
High expectations and low play time means you'll probably get what you want on a single character, but only works if you've invested a lot of time already and got the content on farm.

Low expectations and high play time means you'll have the time to level all your alts, experience all the content the way you want it etc. without necessarily being in the top percentile but with less risk of burning out.
Low expectations and low play time means you'll enjoy the game casually.

Phyladonia wrote:
4 years ago
Is it too late to ding a Warlock 60 and clean Ony and MC before Blackwing's Lair hit ?
This is a pretty high expectation goal so expect some high time investment.

Answer really depends on your play time. Take 7-8 days of /played for good measure because of the XP nerf to SM, P2 PvP going on, fewer groups to run dungeons with and so forth.

Let's assume BWL comes out in the middle of January, so 7 weeks from now.
For example, playing 2-3 hours / day during weekdays and 6-7 hours during week-ends you get just a few hours over 1 day of /played per week. With this schedule you should expect to ding in 6-7 weeks, in time for BWL.

Depending on your plans for Xmas you might reasonably ding sooner and assuming you find a guild that's not going to care much about you gear and just have you there for curses and banishes then you might catch 1-2 resets.

Burning Steppes
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Level 60 warrior here with MC in farm status.

Currently working on a rogue to replace my warrior...

It's never too late.

Yinn - Orc 2h fury Warrior - Arcanite Reaper :twisted:
Hunter Marksman
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US Kirtonos
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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It is never to late! Take it from a guy who couldn't decide on a main in the first place. So if I can continue to make new characters Im sure you can too!

Where is my level 60 boost?
Swamp of Sorrows
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Absolutely not, try not to pressure yourself so much. As Nymis said, it's really about what expectations you have. Personally, I play alot of alts & at least for me, I think it helps prevent burn out, because you can always switch up what type of class you're playing. Besides, locks are way fun in Classic, so you may "reexperience" the class all over again. Some classes certainly don't feel as I remember and I started in Vanilla; it's refreshing! Any Guild worth being in imo or group worth Raiding with in the first place will be accepting of when you're getting around to Raiding with an alt. There's always good people out there. Hope this has been helpful. Cheers!