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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Any experienced shadow priests out there , what are some good tips to engage
Rotation etc

Was thinking of spamming lower ranks pain until i reach 4 stacks of vulnerability then going for max rank if thats a thing

But never played Spriest before so im open for advice

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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That method is perfect for boss fights but I don't think it would be effective in pvp because that is five global cooldowns spent trying to achieve a 15% debuff. Your dots are crucial for pvp so you want to get max rank SW:P and devouring plague going to work immediately. Once the dots are up pop fear and hit them with an inner focus buffed mind blast. If they are still kicking after that finish them off with mind flay. If your fight is 1v2 it is possible for your dots alone to handle one feared target while you focus the other.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Drankomatic wrote:
4 years ago
That method is perfect for boss fights but I don't think it would be effective in pvp because that is five global cooldowns spent trying to achieve a 15% debuff
I am in no ways an experienced shadow priest, but from my understanding you can pop rank 1 pains on people to get the blackout proc, so it's not entirely a useless tactic. But like I said, I don't know enough about spriest pvp.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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apo1337 wrote:
4 years ago
Any experienced shadow priests out there , what are some good tips to engage
Rotation etc

Was thinking of spamming lower ranks pain until i reach 4 stacks of vulnerability then going for max rank if thats a thing

But never played Spriest before so im open for advice
I have never played vanilla spriest, but I can assure you that what you are describing is a pve tactic that will not help you in pvp. As @Drankomatic noted, in order to do this you are wasting 4 global cool downs or 6 seconds. That's a lot of time in pvp. As a general rule, your goal should be to do as much damage as possible in as little time as possible. Why spam r1 SWP for 6 seconds when in that same amount of time you can cast max rank SWP, max rank DP, and possibly even a MB? In the same amount of time you have applied two much more powerful dots and hit a MB. Your SWP and DP will probably both tick at least twice, so along with the MB, you've done a ton more damage and also already have that 15% built up.

Again, I am by no means an expert on spriests, but spamming a low rank SWP to apply shadow weaving seems a complete waste of valuable time in a pvp engagement.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Justbe wrote:
4 years ago
Drankomatic wrote:
4 years ago
That method is perfect for boss fights but I don't think it would be effective in pvp because that is five global cooldowns spent trying to achieve a 15% debuff
I am in no ways an experienced shadow priest, but from my understanding you can pop rank 1 pains on people to get the blackout proc, so it's not entirely a useless tactic. But like I said, I don't know enough about spriest pvp.
Also just to clarify, what you are talking about here is a tactic used to chase down a FC or someone running away from you. You're spamming R1 because it's cheaper and therefore more spammable. The only goal here is to proc blackout to stop the fleeing opponent so you and your team can kill them, because you can't stand still and cast while chasing a FC.

Edit: Idk why I'm bothering trying to answer this anyway, @Stfuppercut actually played spriest and I'm sure he'll be by here shortly.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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So it depends on your racials and the circumstance. A troll priest will spam less r1 SWP in duels typically due to their shadowguard which can proc blackouts. I cant see you ever frontloading a r1 SWP to stack vulnerability all the way to 4 UNLESS you are fighting a specific matchup in a duel. You will often use r1 SWP, but this is typically used to proc blackout and the vulnerability is a bonus. This is to say, if you proc a blackout DURING your r1 SWP spam, you will interrupt your SWP spam and play off of that instead of continuing to spam SWP to get the vulnerability stacks. PvP is super dynamic, and there will be plenty of circumstances that you will play differently, but generally speaking you wont be emphasizing stacking vulnerability in every circumstance and will instead be focusing on playing off of the opponents cooldowns. Shadow priests output an insane amount of damage, most of that is done over time and they are incredibly resilient until they oom, but your objective is to kill the opponent before you oom. Now, once your vulnerability is stacked, you obviously want to keep the stacks up and in circumstances with prolonged delay in shadow casts, I would use a r1 to keep the stacks maxed if you couldnt afford a max rank.

SO the short answer is, this is effective for PvE and can be effective during a duel in PvP, but will be less effective for organized BG's, where you simply dont have time to stack debuffs on a kill target. Even in duels, depending on the matchup, you will likely get more value out of your blackout procs which you will be playing around. Spriests dont have a ton of CD's and you are playing a very reactive role to your opponent in most circumstances while applying immense sustained pressure. Basically, you wont really have a specified plan... You're going to keep your bubble up and play off of your opponent with your only real "oh shit button" being your fear. You should be monitoring your debuffs and attempting to keep them high, but you may not always be emphasizing stacking before damaging and in most cases it simply wont be worthwhile in PvP outside of duels.

apo1337 wrote:
4 years ago
Any experienced shadow priests out there , what are some good tips to engage
Rotation etc

Was thinking of spamming lower ranks pain until i reach 4 stacks of vulnerability then going for max rank if thats a thing

But never played Spriest before so im open for advice
If you are dueling an easy beginner strategy is to frontload early damage and control to suffocate your enemy and play aggressively before your first fear. Attempt to time the fear so that you can place distance during the fear to allow you to break combat and drink. The goal here is to time this sequence so that you have freshly reapplied your dots and debuff RIGHT before the fear to maximize value. The opponent should come out of the fear at around 1/2 HP and will be running towards a fresh shadow priest with a brand new bubble. But again, this is entirely dependent on the class you are facing and their strategy bla bla bla, its impossible to outline a one-size fits all solution to a complex game of chess. I will say that learning how to leverage your mana is the most important skill to becoming a successful shadowpriest in ANY aspect of the game. Of course my advice for a shadow priest playing on a PvP team would be to do your friends a favor and play a different spec.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
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