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Poll  •  Which one is the most OP?
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Title is self explanatory, but anyway: in your opinion, which class is the one that you tend to avoid from the opposite faction, because you would most likely wouldn't come out on top once you two got into a beatdown?

Not really talking about high skill ceiling because pretty much every class has that, more like which class can easily pwn others without much effort?

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Druid Feral
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US Incendius
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Warlock, Druids, Rogues, and to a lesser extent shadow priests. I'm probably only adding Shadow priests because they hard counter druid (which I main) pretty hard.

All of those classes are power houses in world pvp. Locks maybe less so just because of mobility issues, but either way, an SL warlock can survive so much damage!

Rogues are self explanatory. Tons of utility, great cooldowns. However, if you catch them with their abilites on cooldown their scariness drops slitghtly.

Druids I put on because a well played druid out in the world can control a fight to an insane degree. If the druid wants you dead and they play smart, you will die. Maybe not super quickly, but you will die. So this one might fall under the skill ceiling thing. A bad druid might not be that scary to fight.

Horde | Druid | Incendius | Cowligula
Shaman Enhancement
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EU Dreadmist
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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It's quite obviously mage.

Their ability to basically go "no, you be a sheep for a bit whilst I prepare for this fight" is literally unmatched.

There are other good classes for WPvP (I strongly disagree that druid is "OP" in WPvP), but nothing on the level of mage.

Rogue Subtlety
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US Grobbulus
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Night Elf
4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Idk why people always list druid as strong in wpvp. Yes they are hard to kill, but hard to kill does not mean "OP in wpvp". Escaping and coming back to gank you later does not make them a strong wpvp class. Literally any class can gank if you just bide your time and wait for the opportunity. Also, "if played extremely well they can be difficult by definition makes the class not OP imo. An OP class can win if played poorly, that's why it's OP. A discussion about skill ceilings or outplay potential is a totally different conversation.

I chose hunter for this poll because it does not take much skill at all for a hunter to beat most classes in the open world, and humanoid tracking gives hunters a level of situational awareness that lets you pick and choose fights almost to the same level that stealth does when combined with spy.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
Keatts- Human Rogue

Grobbulus - US
Paladin Holy
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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Had i been horde still, I would have said Paladin, based not on the title, but based on the whole "who would you avoid" - my time is precious and i dont wanna spend it on churning through a paladin

- Xcellers
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Eastern Plaguelands
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US Faerlina
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Telvaine wrote:
4 years ago
Idk why people always list druid as strong in wpvp. Yes they are hard to kill, but hard to kill does not mean "OP in wpvp". Escaping and coming back to gank you later does not make them a strong wpvp class. Literally any class can gank if you just bide your time and wait for the opportunity. Also, "if played extremely well they can be difficult by definition makes the class not OP imo. An OP class can win if played poorly, that's why it's OP. A discussion about skill ceilings or outplay potential is a totally different conversation.

I chose hunter for this poll because it does not take much skill at all for a hunter to beat most classes in the open world, and humanoid tracking gives hunters a level of situational awareness that lets you pick and choose fights almost to the same level that stealth does when combined with spy.
Spy will tell you when anyone is near you anyway so Track Humanoids is pretty irrelevant. I’m sure it’s an extension of the area covered but spy is already a pretty big radius. While leveling Hunter is a pain in the ass for sure but in that regard a Rogue who’s patient will 100% kill you if you’re half life fighting a mob etc. I think Hunter actually has a very high ceiling with Trap management and just positioning in general. Aspect management can be hell for someone new as well; Cheetah has a lot of upside but is very punishing in PvP when not managed properly.

E: as Hunter I naturally hate running into Warlocks who are adamant about fighting lmao.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Sikeo wrote:
4 years ago
It's quite obviously mage.

Their ability to basically go "no, you be a sheep for a bit whilst I prepare for this fight" is literally unmatched.

There are other good classes for WPvP (I strongly disagree that druid is "OP" in WPvP), but nothing on the level of mage.
At least you get healed when sheeped, but yeah, I also voted mage. Frost is just ridiculous, and to add insult to injury, their raiding spec seem to be perfect for pvp too.

A bat in the hand is worth two in the belfry.
Eastern Plaguelands
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US Faerlina
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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@ToriK both mage raiding specs used currently lack Imp CS, Imp Frost Nova, Shatter, and Frostbite. The non Winter’s Chill variant doesn’t even get Cold Snap lol.

Druid Feral
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US Incendius
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Sikeo wrote:
4 years ago
Their ability to basically go "no, you be a sheep for a bit whilst I prepare for this fight" is literally unmatched.
Druids would like a word with that polymorph.

Horde | Druid | Incendius | Cowligula
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US Herod
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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With class popularity as it is, I can see warlock being the top vote. Mages get stomped by warlocks.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Volition wrote:
4 years ago
With class popularity as it is, I can see warlock being the top vote. Mages get stomped by warlocks.
True, the bias is real.

A bat in the hand is worth two in the belfry.
Rogue Subtlety
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US Grobbulus
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Night Elf
4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Jpy wrote:
4 years ago
Telvaine wrote:
4 years ago
Idk why people always list druid as strong in wpvp. Yes they are hard to kill, but hard to kill does not mean "OP in wpvp". Escaping and coming back to gank you later does not make them a strong wpvp class. Literally any class can gank if you just bide your time and wait for the opportunity. Also, "if played extremely well they can be difficult by definition makes the class not OP imo. An OP class can win if played poorly, that's why it's OP. A discussion about skill ceilings or outplay potential is a totally different conversation.

I chose hunter for this poll because it does not take much skill at all for a hunter to beat most classes in the open world, and humanoid tracking gives hunters a level of situational awareness that lets you pick and choose fights almost to the same level that stealth does when combined with spy.
Spy will tell you when anyone is near you anyway so Track Humanoids is pretty irrelevant. I’m sure it’s an extension of the area covered but spy is already a pretty big radius. While leveling Hunter is a pain in the ass for sure but in that regard a Rogue who’s patient will 100% kill you if you’re half life fighting a mob etc. I think Hunter actually has a very high ceiling with Trap management and just positioning in general. Aspect management can be hell for someone new as well; Cheetah has a lot of upside but is very punishing in PvP when not managed properly.

E: as Hunter I naturally hate running into Warlocks who are adamant about fighting lmao.
Track humanoids is essential, spy doesn't tell you where people are, just that they're near. Spy alerts you that they're nearby. Tracking instantly lets you know where they are, what direction they are coming from, etc. As you stated, positioning is very important on a hunter, and tracking makes that much easier.

Also, as mentioned above, literally every class will 100% kill you if they catch you at half life fighting a mob, that's a worthless metric.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
Keatts- Human Rogue

Grobbulus - US
Eastern Plaguelands
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US Faerlina
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I’m not trying to devalue Track Humanoids; it’s amazing. Spy just indirectly nerfs it because now every class has something similar while before Hunter was the sole benefactor.

Positioning and knowing when someone from the opposing faction is nearby are two separate monsters entirely, though.

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EU Flamelash
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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ToriK wrote:
4 years ago
Not really talking about high skill ceiling because pretty much every class has that, more like which class can easily pwn others without much effort?
uhh well. it depends what you consider as effort. A lot of stuff that people consider insanely complex is second nature to some.

Sorry to be pedantic :P but something as simple as seeing an enemy versus being surprised can entirely change the tide of a fight.

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EU Razorgore
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Too many variables really. Voted Hunter because in an open world like Desolace starting at max range (which is what Hunters can always do due to track humanoids) nothing can beat a good Hunter. In a more confined setting where kiting is more difficult like Feralas for example I would vote Warlock.

Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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ToriK wrote:
4 years ago
which class can easily pwn others without much effort?
The obvious answer is rogue. While I don't think that rogues are the most dominant class in 1v1's rogues choose their fights in world PvP. A rogue has the ability to win 100% of their fights because THEY dictate the engagement and if things start to go poorly, rogues have a very high chance of resetting or fleeing the fight. This is pretty powerful and is often while people misrepresent rogues as "overpowered".

Druids are hard to lockdown. They are slippery. A good druid will either win or escape and while their performance is underwhelming, their survivability and resilience is incredible. A druids "dominance" is less about their capacity to win engagements and more about their ability to avoid losing.

If we are talking group PvP. Meaningful raid PvP for world bosses and control - the mage with sapper charges is king. Mages also fair well in 1v1's and 1vX situations.

If you are looking at running around the world as a solo player and asking which class has the highest ability to win a fight against another player, warlock, hunter and spriest are all strong. Spriest is good early on and always commendable. Hunters are really strong early, especially as BM and slowly fade. Warlocks start slow and ramp up quickly becoming the best 1v1 class in late game.'

In short, context matters. There is no "best class" for world PvP.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
Tirisfal Glades
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OC Arugal
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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The 6 madman who chose Warrior tho.

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Arathi Basin
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EU Ten Storms
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Can't believe no one has chosen Shaman yet. Elemental shamans are disgusting in PvP. (I chose Warlocks since I play Druid), but Ele shamans are dang near the top.

Altaholic playing the following:
Ten Storms EU Alliance
Finnigan - Dwarf Hunter Lvl 30
Portalmaster - Gnome Mage Lvl 19
Shaelur - Dwarf Paladin Lvl 22
Shaelus - Night Elf Druid Lvl 50
Warlock Affliction
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US Kirtonos
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Its hard to answer this question because there are so many variables.

Are we talking about best when going out in the world looking for a fight, with the right consumes, buffs, gear, and spec.
Or are we talking about not prepared but who has the best chance to win when not ready for the fight and need to react?
Plus perspective too, some people will say one class is op because they play the class that counters them.

Shadow Priest, Rogues, Warlocks, Mages and Hunters, I would say any pure DPS class because there leveling spec isnt that different from there pvp spec. They can still have some if not all the utility talents and damage talents while leveling, while farming, while pvping, while pveing...I mean a holy spec priest with +healing will have a tough time compared to shadow priest.

But I think the most OP is the Druid out in the world.
They dont do the most damage but they are jack of all trades...they can become and do whats needed to win the fight.

I know people are against Druids but they are the only class that can fully reset if they were not prepared or getting jumped or about to lose.
Druids can do it all and can change forms and abilities depending on the fight.
They can melee when needed in cat form, they can cast spells, debuffs and heal in no form and absorb damage with bear form.
Basically they can dictate the fight and adapt to the fight like no other class in the game.
Yes you need to be skilled and know who your fighting and how to play a Druid, but once you master it, I think they are OP in the world.

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| Nýxt - Demonology Warlock | Kirtonos PVP | Level 50 | - | Awkaran - Resto Druid | Kirtonos PVP | Level 20 |
| Fatherbatch - Holy Priest | Kirtonos PVP | Level 1 | - | Reignmaker - Frost Mage | Kirtonos PVP | Level 1 |
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US Skeram
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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dude.. rogue?

they can completely control the fight and choose when to initiate vs not.

Arathi Basin
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EU Ten Storms
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Everyone talk about rogue who can choose their fight, and escape if need be.

Let me introduce you to hybrid druid. (19//11/21)

Stealth, can also pick their fights. Counters rogues vanish with Faerie Fire, and catch up with instant travel form or feral charge,
they can pre abolish poison for countering blind and weapon poisons. Have nice heals both in and out of form not to mention tankiness in form.
Stun and entangling roots. Low mana cost of heals + innervate if needed. The only danger vs rogue is getting stuck in stun out
of bear form.

Rogues aint got nothing on hybrid druids.

Vs other classes they bring above + remove curse, "immunity" to polymorph, ranged spell interrupt, can't be kited as long as druid have mana.

Altaholic playing the following:
Ten Storms EU Alliance
Finnigan - Dwarf Hunter Lvl 30
Portalmaster - Gnome Mage Lvl 19
Shaelur - Dwarf Paladin Lvl 22
Shaelus - Night Elf Druid Lvl 50
Alterac Valley
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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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There is no OP class in wpvp.

That would mean the class is so good that skill and knowledge is irrelevant, you win anything anyway.

Rogues being OP is a urban legend from 15 years ago where 'world of roguecraft' and similar videos popped and no one had much inside knowledge about the game. Today 50%of the time you jump someone they might just turn it on you and you are the one dying. Especially if they got a 'war' prefix in their class name :wink:

Now if the question is which is the best class in wpvp, my choice is warlock, especially as orc.
Hard to kill if PvP specced and even if you manage to kill them, you might die too. And they dance on your corpse using soulstone...

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