Loch modan
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I was thinking about organizing gold raids in the future as I always liked them quite a lot. Whats your guys opinion on them?

For anyone not familiar with the concept: In a gold raid you bid on items with your gold; highest bid wins and gets the loot. The gold is accumulated and and will be equally distributed to all raid members afterwards.

Hillsbrad Foothills
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I imagine this would only appeal to players who are not in a steady raiding guild and who have a healthy amount of gold to stand a chance of winning bids.

You mentioned you've always liked them a lot - how many of these have you actually participated in? Were these essentially Molten Core PUGs with the customized loot rule you outlined?

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EU Dreadmist
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I did this a few times during TBC, I think it's a good idea.

It's also an incentive for more geared players to run old content and carry the group just for the share of gold at the end.

Warrior Protection
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Reminds me of doing GDKP runs in WoTLK. Most of the officers and main raiders in my guild got gold cap off it alone.

It's definitely fun, and I enjoyed it. Benefits everyone, really.

Warrior Fury
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Depending on how long phases last, there is a good possibility that many guilds will begin doing this at the end of phases to ramp up their gold to buy consumes going into the next phase. Was very common place in the private server scene.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
Hunter Marksman
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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What would these gold runs look like? I might not be very geared, but could I join and get some gold for participating? Or is the guild who organizes the only one to receive any of the gold?

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EU Flamelash
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Relik wrote:
4 years ago
I did this a few times during TBC, I think it's a good idea.

It's also an incentive for more geared players to run old content and carry the group just for the share of gold at the end.
Yup, also top guilds will start selling their runs once they are adequately geared.

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Loch modan
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EU Razorgore
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Personally I participated in a dozen gold raids before taking over the organizational part, after which I ran roughly 20 of them myself. All of that was during wotlk, I may add. The raids were always pugs and featured both farm and then current content.
From my experience almost all kinds of players have an interest in joining gold raids. You can go in there because you need gold or because you need gear. Or both. And not many players need neither. Even being in a stable and successful guild didnt prevent people from joining, as some items (mostly trinkets) were BiS for so many classes, you could easily wait months to get it. Gold raids offered a nice alternate - if you had the gold.

There are no set rules for gold raids, in theory everything could be done. From my understanding and experience, gold raids are very similar to carry runs in the concept that some players pay for gear and others get paid for participating in the raid. The difference is that there is no clear distinction between the carried players and the carrying ones. A gold raid in which only a core group (whether thats a guild or whatever) is paid would be a carry run in my books.

The clear advantage of gold raids compared to ordinary pugs is the desired group composition. Normally you would want the group to be as geared as possible, because that promises a higher success rate, shorter clear time and less gear competition. All that while the individual players themselves dont want to be very well geared going into the raid, as that means less potential for upgrades. These contradictional interests make it really hard to build balanced raids. Raids that get shit done, while at the same time not disenchanting a good portion of the loot because nobody needs it. In a gold raid however everyone is interested in having some level of balance. You want good geared people to assure the raids success, but you also want enough lower geared players to not only have demand, but some level of competition, even for the less desirable drops.

Shaman Enhancement
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I don't have a problem with gold raids, but I doubt I'd ever participate in one. I'm too cheap A. and B. I'm not sure sinking 300g+ into a marginal dps increase is all that worth.

Also people are dumb if they run a gold raid in MC. MC is way to easy to do that. Just pug with a bunch of noobs and rofl your way through.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Gensei wrote:
4 years ago
Also people are dumb if they run a gold raid in MC. MC is way to easy to do that. Just pug with a bunch of noobs and rofl your way through.
Depends, some people have more gold than luck. :lol:

If I just need that one item from Rag and I have the gold I'd rather not roll the dice.

Loch modan
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EU Razorgore
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I feel like what you are saying would be more accurately describing carry runs, not gold runs. Carry runs dont make sense when everyone can clear the content without major struggles, I absolutely agree with that. But if anything gold raid are profiting from easier content, as it gives more leeway for suboptimal raid compositions.
I am not saying you have to like gold raids though.

Shaman Enhancement
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Samaraner wrote:
4 years ago

I feel like what you are saying would be more accurately describing carry runs, not gold runs. Carry runs dont make sense when everyone can clear the content without major struggles, I absolutely agree with that. But if anything gold raid are profiting from easier content, as it gives more leeway for suboptimal raid compositions.
I am not saying you have to like gold raids though.
You're right. I played on vanilla private servers back in like 2011-2012, the stone age of private servers compared to when Nostalrius was around. And there, gold runs and carry runs were the same thing. And I've conflated them ever since.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
Elwynn Forest
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Did this a lot in BWL after AQ and Naxx. We had farmed it for months anyway so everyone had the gear they needed. Some items went for insane amounts of gold, I recall a 12k DFT for example.

Great use of resets that would otherwise get wasted.

Loch modan
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EU Razorgore
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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rose wrote:
4 years ago
Did this a lot in BWL after AQ and Naxx. We had farmed it for months anyway so everyone had the gear they needed. Some items went for insane amounts of gold, I recall a 12k DFT for example.
Holy fuck, 12k gold in Vanilla?

What was your bidding system, if I may ask?

Elwynn Forest
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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Samaraner wrote:
4 years ago
Holy fuck, 12k gold in Vanilla?

What was your bidding system, if I may ask?
Sorry about the confusion, this was on Light's Hope, so 2 years ago or so. We had 100 gold increment bids, anyone could bid on any item. I might be wrong on the exact number but it was in that insane ballpark, even if it was pserver. I'll see if I can dig up a screenshot.

Hillsbrad Foothills
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Samaraner wrote:
4 years ago
All of that was during wotlk, I may add.
That may be why I never experienced them. I was active in Vanilla and the first half of TBC, but my interest and playtime tapered off even before WotLK launched.