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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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As my shaman is nearing 52 i found myself suffering from the Alt blues.

From a certain threshold leveling is just not as fun anymore. Too slow, quests too few and zones not so interesting (until the plaguelands anyway).

Last night i started a Nelf druid. Got the little guy to 10.

Anyone else feeling like their main is just not cutting it anymore?

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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I got the opposite problem. I have a few alts I want to bring up, including my namesake Gnome warrior. Problem is I really want to get my current druid main up to 60 so I can try to get onto a raid team and explore some of the content I never saw the first time around. I also want to level a hunter and a rogue. I'm not worried at all about content getting stale with so many different characters I want to level, my problem is there's so much to do and so little time to get it all done. Classic is going to be keeping me busy for years to come at this rate.

   Stfuppercut Zanthir Selexin Jax atkars
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Meh, I'm just finding myself slowing down in general. Not to play alts, but just any character. Which is okay. I hit 40 this morning, and i'm cruising comfortably. But yeah I don't see myself really wanting to level something else. Do I question my class choice? Of course, I always have and always will in every iteration of the game since I started. But I can't be bothered with leveling something else. It just gets too painfully slow after hitting 30.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Every morning when I wake,
I got them old alt blues.
Doesn't matter how hard I play,
I can never really choose.
So I go and make a new one,
Lord what have I got to lose.

My Shaman got the totems,
My Hunters got a pet.
My Mage has got the ice block,
But a mount I don't have yet.
Oh yeahhhh baby,
Yeahhh I've got them old alt blues.

My friends think I've got issues,
But boy they just don't know.
I can't stop raising them to 10,
And then letting them go.
Oh yeahh baby,
Yeahhh I've got the old alt blues.

My Priest is shadow ready,
But I can't afford respec.
I mailed my gold to my old main,
So I could raid instead.
Oh yeahhhh baby,
Yeahhh I've got them old alt blues.

I have a warlock name reserved,
And a warrior ready too.
I just can't wait to summon players,
But he's only level 2.
Yeah baby, yeahh I've got them old alt blues.

A druid could be fun I say,
Or maybe a banking alt.
I could play my days away,
On a twink rogue for the salt.
Yeah baby, yeahh I've got them old alt blues.

   rijndael Pippina Jax atkars Vlostek algorithm Umbra Tinyhoof Pluuf Hinien
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I hit this phenomenon at around level 20.

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Hillsbrad Foothills
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Vlostek wrote:
4 years ago
Too slow, quests too few and zones not so interesting (until the plaguelands anyway).
I agree with this. I'm OK throughout the 30s, but once I stopped doing SM runs and headed back to questing it started to feel like a drag, even though I benefit from a free level 40 mount. I'm looking forward to jumping into the next round of dungeons.

However, I don't see myself touching an alt anytime soon. I'll be leveling slow and steady and doing dungeons as often as I can.

Tirisfal Glades
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Pippina wrote:
4 years ago
my problem is there's so much to do and so little time to get it all done. Classic is going to be keeping me busy for years to come at this rate.
I feel the same way... and 40 hours per week job does not help with that! :(

Back to the topic. I had similar thoughts when I reached 50+ with my Warlock but stopped thinking about that and anytime I have this desire to make alt I start thinking why i chose Warlock in the 1st place and desire is gone for a while. Also me and my buddy decided next year we will take week off to level alts so it helps with that ;).

Rogue Combat
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I was getting frustrated with my Shaman and Paladin when I couldn't get into dungeons even as a healer so I rolled to Warriors and there shouldn't be any more problems. I enjoy playing all these classes, so I really don't mind and used to play Warrior on retail.

Tirisfal Glades
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I have vehemently rejected playing any alt (aside from leveling a bank alt to 5 for Disenchanting) because I know all too well how it's going to turn out...
A bunch of level 10-20-25s, none of them passing level 30 even.

So I sticked with Gallow (lvl 45, warrior). Leveling has sped up ever since I got Mortal Strike, and I'm ever planning on which zone to go, which upgrades to get, what to buy, which skills to level up etc., so it's been keeping me busy! The first 40 levels were quite... bland though. It feels like it has just started getting interesting, and I don't plan to quit leveling my warrior anytime soon!

I will however probably roll a warlock in preperation for Phase 2 and World PvP. I like not relying on support classes to be able to do anything.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Funnily enough despite being a lifelong altoholic I have yet to spend more than about 20 minutes messing with an alt before getting bored and swapping back to my hunter. I think probably a big part of it is my limited play time, it really makes me value what time I do have and playing alts seems like a waste.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Ok got my alt druid to 12, which is great cause once you have bear form quests just melt.

Will stop though. Think I will just respec my sham to resto and grind the last 8 levels in dungeons. I want to get some good pvp gear before Phase 2.

Rogue Subtlety
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I think a healthy balance of questing and dungeon grinding also helps things out a lot. I make it a point to run every single dungeon at least once which breaks up the monotony and helps alleviate the running out of quests thing. Throw in some wpvp when you're bored.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Too much to do on my main in order to seriously consider making an alt at this point. Its tempting though

Hillsbrad Foothills
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Telvaine wrote:
4 years ago
I make it a point to run every single dungeon at least once which breaks up the monotony and helps alleviate the running out of quests thing.
Yep, I ran Razorfen Downs yesterday and that helped a lot despite the fact that it's one of my least favorite instances. Now I'm trying to pick up every possible Uldaman quest before I head in there either tonight or tomorrow night.

atkars wrote:
4 years ago
I was getting frustrated with my Shaman and Paladin when I couldn't get into dungeons even as a healer
Really? That sounds terrifying. I haven't run into that situation myself. In any case, I will likely roll a Druid when the time for an alt has come. I've tanked as a Warrior before but never with Druid, so that should be a good change of pace.

Elwynn Forest
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I agree, the content design is poor from ~40(SM) to ~54(plaugelands).

Uldaman has too large of a spread boss level wise, making you push ulda until mid 40's, meaning that you have this wierd dungeon drought from end of SM until Ulda.
You don't stay in a zone for a long time, making you spend what seems like most of your time running around rather than actually doing quests.

No Dungeons, and only being able to do a few quests at a time per zone before spending a ton of time on travel makes the 40-54 spread the worse part of the game for me. When ever I have rolled a toon in the past, 1-40 was great and fun, in fact I always thought it wen TOOO fast, as I didnt get enough time to go to all the zones, do all the dungeons, etc. Then you finish SM, your 41, and your in the low content, meh zones, just wanting to get it done asap. Makes it feel like forever. Then you finish up 54-60 with tons of dungeon runs, logs of content quest and lore wise, big and great rep chains, good quest rewards. You hit 60 then want to level an alt again forgetting about that terrible dry spot.

Rogue Subtlety
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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beached wrote:
4 years ago
I agree, the content design is poor from ~40(SM) to ~54(plaugelands).

Uldaman has too large of a spread boss level wise, making you push ulda until mid 40's, meaning that you have this wierd dungeon drought from end of SM until Ulda.
You don't stay in a zone for a long time, making you spend what seems like most of your time running around rather than actually doing quests.

No Dungeons, and only being able to do a few quests at a time per zone before spending a ton of time on travel makes the 40-54 spread the worse part of the game for me. When ever I have rolled a toon in the past, 1-40 was great and fun, in fact I always thought it wen TOOO fast, as I didnt get enough time to go to all the zones, do all the dungeons, etc. Then you finish SM, your 41, and your in the low content, meh zones, just wanting to get it done asap. Makes it feel like forever. Then you finish up 54-60 with tons of dungeon runs, logs of content quest and lore wise, big and great rep chains, good quest rewards. You hit 60 then want to level an alt again forgetting about that terrible dry spot.
Idk, personally I thoroughly enjoy the Ferelas/ Tanaris/ Hinterlands triangle. Those zones have a lot of quests, and are all interconnected and lead up to stuff in ZF. You also have quests Badlands, Swamp of Sorrows, and Dustwallow if you want to go mix things up. Those 6 zones will easily carry you from 40-50.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
Keatts- Human Rogue

Grobbulus - US
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Kind of, yeah. My main's a Shaman, but I had a day during the first week when one of my friends rerolled a Warlock alt so I joined him on a Hunter and played through til like level 10.

Since that I've tinkered with alts a little bit, but decided that going through The Barrens and Ashenvale and Stonetalon and all that crap all over again was too recent in my memory, whereas I hadn't really played the post-40 game since actual Vanilla (Played on Pservers up through the 20s to low 40s a ton of times). I feel like I know the level 20-30 zones like the back of my hand but remember like nothing about Feralas, Un'Goro, the Plaguelands, etc. Playing through Feralas and Tanaris feels basically like an entirely new zone to me now. I only had one character at 60 in Vanilla, and then got a second to the low 40s in TBC, but in short I haven't really been to these zones in any meaningful sense since 2005.

So I decided I wouldn't waste any time on Alts until I'd gotten my Shaman to at least 40. He's 44 now, and as of literally yesterday I've decided on rolling a rogue as an alt, trying to catch him up to a friend's character who's in the low teens. Still planning on more seriously playing the Shaman, but it'll be nice to have the rogue to kick around for days I want to build up rest or whatever.

More to the core of your question, I'm still happy with my Shaman. Quests are getting longer and harder and (mostly) less rewarding than they were, but I'm trying to keep my eyes on the prize of getting to endgame because the game just gets more interesting from here.

Warlock Demonology
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I am hurting to try an alt out but I am too committed to getting my main to 60 first. I want to try vanilla priest out so badly!!!!

Stranglethorn Vale
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I have suffered from altoholism so I know exactly what you're talking about. Hit 47 on my mage last night and am already planning my warrior alt. Trying to promise myself that if I just bring the mage to 60 leveling the warrior will be way easier because I can twink it out with gear.

Also I really want to play with my buddy who is already 60 and been in MC a few times. So that helps for motivation.

Hillsbrad Foothills
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Telvaine wrote:
4 years ago
Idk, personally I thoroughly enjoy the Ferelas/ Tanaris/ Hinterlands triangle.
I agree, but the journey from 40 to mid 50s is still painful despite the reprieve from that triangle.

Druid Feral
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I do not feel the need for an alt.

My Druid just hit level 45. I haven't even started a single quest in Feralas, Tanaris or the Hinterlands. Currently finishing off Stranglethorn Vale. Fishing is already at 280, cooking at 300. I enjoy taking the ride of a full storyline, not caring if there will be a reason to come back to a given place for something else. The only times I google quests is when I plan to go to a dungeon, I like to have all of them, then. Very much looking forward to Zul'Farrak in a level or two.

This is exactly the kind of experience I was hoping for. I am sailing on the wind, not caring & I'm loving it.

Rinku < the Druid > - For the HORDE - Gehennas, EU
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Rinkusan wrote:
4 years ago
My Druid just hit level 45. I haven't even started a single quest in Feralas, Tanaris or the Hinterlands. Currently finishing off Stranglethorn Vale. Fishing is already at 280, cooking at 300.
Well, you cant level cooking beyond 225 without doing a single quest in Tanaris.

Druid Feral
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EU Gehennas
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Samaraner wrote:
4 years ago
Rinkusan wrote:
4 years ago
My Druid just hit level 45. I haven't even started a single quest in Feralas, Tanaris or the Hinterlands. Currently finishing off Stranglethorn Vale. Fishing is already at 280, cooking at 300.
Well, you cant level cooking beyond 225 without doing a single quest in Tanaris.
The fact checking is strong with this one :D I bought ingredients, went to Gadgetzan, got the q, handed it in and left :D

Rinku < the Druid > - For the HORDE - Gehennas, EU