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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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So, when the original World of Wacraft reach its end and after the release of Naxxramas several months will pass ... what will happen with the game next?
Of course, Blizzard will be inspired after WoW Classic's success and definitely right now they are thinking about how to continue their game.

As I can see, the Original World of Warcraft story can have three continuation directions, for example:

1) The Burning Crusade release
Yea, I know that it is the most obvious choice and therefore quite possible

2) The Burning Crusade release, but with some changes in addon's history. A kind of parallel universe
Many people (including me) consider that the plot of TBC is't good as it can be. Many decisions about the narratives that Bizzard made in this addon are really bad. I mean they killed freaking Illidan and after four expansion back them to live because.. because they need a hero with a cool and sad life story that can sacrifice himself for others. In the Black Temple when players clicked on the defeated Illidan they saw an inscription on his icon — that target is DEAD. But no, Stormrage, you think you do but you don't.
And Keal'thas. They kill them too. My love for this hero begins from WC3 and what was my surprise to know that my favorite, suddenly, became evil and was killed. But what made him choose the wrong side...? A fel ? I mean, this man was ready to sacrifice his life for his soldiers, he tried with all his might to revive his people from the ashes and what ultimately made him back down? Some green slurry !? Yes, I know that history contains moments telling about the betrayal of his people and how they did not want to follow him... But the problem is that in the BC Blizzard didn’t tell us anything about this and for a simple player everything looked something like this: Hello, I’m Keal'thas. And I became evil. Kill me.
(I'am sorry for writing so much about it, it just really hurts me)

3) The Burning Crusade combined with Classic WoW
Probably the most difficult option to continue.
Imagine if the Classic and TBC are equal between each other. For example, weapons from Vanilla, like Sulfuras, become no worse with the release of a new addon. This is the legendary weapon of Ragnaros ! How can it be worse than a blue dungeon hammer !?
The same would be with raids. It would be still difficult for players to close Naxxramas, even if they were wearing things from Eye (Tempest Keep). Not so difficult like in Original World of Wacraft but still hard.
And no, I also don’t know how the developers could put it in the right way. I just dream of a holistic game that includes at least the first two expansions.

What do you think about this?

Ah, I want to apologize for my grammatical mistakes. I think that I still allowed them while writing all this.

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Demogran wrote:
4 years ago
What do you think about this?
I can appreciate how you and others feel about thinking into the future and the possibility of TBC but personally I'm just enjoying Classic WoW at the moment. It came out like two weeks ago and TBC is a very, very distant consideration of mine at this time.

   Selexin badgirls ShamelessEU Shyneur
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Enjoy the long happy road that is classic WoW and don't worry about the future until it's around the corner.

   Selexin badgirls Shyneur Demogran DoomC
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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teebling wrote:
4 years ago
I can appreciate how you and others feel about thinking into the future and the possibility of TBC but personally I'm just enjoying Classic WoW at the moment. It came out like two weeks ago and TBC is a very, very distant consideration of mine at this time.
Teebs is being very polite and diplomatic.

Meanwhile, elsewhere:
teebling wrote:
4 years ago
Likewise - but my enjoyment of the forums is affected by the same beaten old horse of a subject that is Classic+ advocacy reappearing every day.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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rijndael wrote:
4 years ago
teebling wrote:
4 years ago
I can appreciate how you and others feel about thinking into the future and the possibility of TBC but personally I'm just enjoying Classic WoW at the moment. It came out like two weeks ago and TBC is a very, very distant consideration of mine at this time.
Teebs is being very polite and diplomatic.

Meanwhile, elsewhere:
teebling wrote:
4 years ago
Likewise - but my enjoyment of the forums is affected by the same beaten old horse of a subject that is Classic+ advocacy reappearing every day.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll confess I have probably contributed my share to that. But I've grown pretty fatigued with that whole conversation myself. I just want to enjoy the game, and whatever happens happens.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Just another Classic+/TBC thread.

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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“Many of us pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that we hurry past it.”

   teebling TeamRemix
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EU Sulfuron
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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The fact that you're using the term "Addon" instead of "Expansion" is making me extremely uncomfortable for some reasons

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, but today is a gift : that's why it's called present."
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Demogran wrote:
4 years ago
What do you think about this?
I expect a steep drop off when/if TBC hits. Mostly, because anyone who was already tried Classic WoW and found it hard or not enjoyable won't transition to the next xpac.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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rijndael wrote:
4 years ago
teebling wrote:
4 years ago
I can appreciate how you and others feel about thinking into the future and the possibility of TBC but personally I'm just enjoying Classic WoW at the moment. It came out like two weeks ago and TBC is a very, very distant consideration of mine at this time.
Teebs is being very polite and diplomatic.

Meanwhile, elsewhere:
teebling wrote:
4 years ago
Likewise - but my enjoyment of the forums is affected by the same beaten old horse of a subject that is Classic+ advocacy reappearing every day.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This isn’t a thread about Classic+, it’s about a faithful rendition of TBC after Classic. That’s a different kettle of fish to trying to ‘improve’ or ‘augment’ Classic (Classic+).

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I played during the BC days, but I'm not sure I want those days back. That's when all the hyperbalancing started, or a bit before. So, even though I really enjoyed BC, I'm not sure i want to play it again.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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TBC makes business sense. We will likely get TBC because Blizzard is a business. Businesses like money. TBC costs very little and has potential to generate a lot. Adding new Classic content is controversial and would likely appeal to a smaller audience than TBC.

TBC is the safe bet. Blizz will probably bet on TBC.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
Hillsbrad Foothills
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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teebling wrote:
4 years ago
This isn’t a thread about Classic+, it’s about a faithful rendition of TBC after Classic. That’s a different kettle of fish to trying to ‘improve’ or ‘augment’ Classic (Classic+).
Yeah that's totally fair, just pulling your leg. :wink:

Stfuppercut wrote:
4 years ago
TBC makes business sense. We will likely get TBC because Blizzard is a business. Businesses like money. TBC costs very little and has potential to generate a lot. Adding new Classic content is controversial and would likely appeal to a smaller audience than TBC.
Agreed, as much as they've been saying they'll wait and see on community feedback, I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't just move forward with making money off the IP that's already developed.

   teebling Stfuppercut
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I guess some people just don't understand that the game was ruined once already with lame expansions that did nothing but dumb the game down to a minimalist game with no direction, no need to explore or do professions because everything gets handed to you with no effort, you know instant gratification with no work. I would say the moment they add an expansion membership will drop astronomically.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Stfuppercut wrote:
4 years ago
TBC makes business sense. We will likely get TBC because Blizzard is a business. Businesses like money. TBC costs very little and has potential to generate a lot. Adding new Classic content is controversial and would likely appeal to a smaller audience than TBC.

TBC is the safe bet. Blizz will probably bet on TBC.
STFUppercut is right on the money here. Classic+ would require work. A lot more work than it would be to develop TBC. We're talking creating new quests, potential new zones, potential new bgs, new items, new sets, new npcs, new scripts, potential new profession items.

TBC is: load up the old version of the game and make it backwards compatible with current infrastructure. No need to make anything new, and thus, no reason to pay the various departmental employees for creation of new scripts (programming department), new models (art department), new quests (writing department), etc etc etc.

As much as I'd probably prefer a Classic+ experience, I am pretty much expecting to see a TBC release long after Naxx is released.

But, as teebs said... I don't really care right now. I'm having too much fun with classic and am enjoying the ride and will continue to do so.

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Zacheous wrote:
4 years ago
I guess some people just don't understand that the game was ruined once already with lame expansions that did nothing but dumb the game down to a minimalist game with no direction, no need to explore or do professions
Yeah but that didn't happen until Warlords :)

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Black Monarch wrote:
4 years ago
Yeah but that didn't happen until Warlords :)

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EU Wyrmthalak
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Anything other than moving on to TBC would be controversial for the same reason sticking dual-spec in Classic would have been controversial. We could never agree on anything else and that is the status quo.

I expect to ride this train all the way to Arthas then get off again. My time in WoW was fantastic so I'm fine with doing it again, especially now I know how long it will take. I don't want to play WoW forever; part of the WoW experience is the blessed relief you feel when you finally quit.

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