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US Pagle
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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As the title says I do believe im getting the symptoms lol, I just got to 30 on my rogue after re rolling from my hunter. Now im getting tempted to roll a warlock instead of continuing with my current toon.

Warrior Fury
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EU Gandling
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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   Pippina teebling
"Einstein would turn over in his grave;
Not only does God play dice,
But the dice are loaded."

- Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Looking God In The Eye"
Rogue Subtlety
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US Grobbulus
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Night Elf
4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I had this problem for the longest time on private and retail. I have not succumbed so far with classic, probably because I spent a lot of time on private experimenting with different classes and figuring out what I really wanted to play.

I decided to allow myself the three that I made to reserve names. I haven't even done anything with the alts besides move then to SW to stack rested xp and be bank alts.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
Keatts- Human Rogue

Grobbulus - US
Arathi Basin
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US Stalagg
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Midoo wrote:
4 years ago
*shakes head* ^ This is what they call a problem :lol: :mrgreen:

On the topic at hand, I played very few classes like a bulldozer all the way through and so I am trying to move to new classes to spice up this second go around, but the problem I am having is that I do not know if I will be as good with the new classes as with the "old reliables" and that causes me to think about making more and more alts to compensate over the possibility that I will not perform well with the new classes... :oops: :confused:

Warlock Affliction
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EU Pyrewood Village
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Warlock is a solid choice (no bias...), great fun and a very different play style to your Rogue which will keep things fresh.

Comes down to time and your own burn out / frustration threshold.

Have fun!

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US Pagle
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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US Sulfuras
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Just hit 20 w main, while waiting for friends to catch up im leveling a mage 9 and warrior 7

Español, por favor.
Hillsbrad Foothills
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US Sulfuras
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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my highest level so far is a 18 hunter. *cries*

I have a Mage and a Warrior as my alts.

Rogue Combat
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I am so happy that I do not have this struggle anymore. :) I was once like you gentlemen, but now I have found my way.

I wish you luck!

Shaman Enhancement
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Honestly, there's no better time in the game to reroll than right now.

I stopped on my alliance druid at level 19 and have loved playing Shaman now, but wish I could have used the time I spent on the druid and put it into the shaman.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
Redridge Mountains
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I like to wake up a long time before going to work to just chill if I can.

With classic wow, I started my week with a little time to reroll and auction..

Priest 26 main
Drood 5
Warrior 1
Hunter/Mage/Rogue will probably be the next...

I think I will then play each morning a different Alt for the sweet rested XP.

Druid Feral
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US Incendius
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I too was an altoholic when vanilla first came out. I had come to the game from a history of the warcraft and starcraft franchises (as RTS was my favourite genre when I was a wee one.)

When I got my hands on WoW I was blown away. Everything from warcraft 3 was there, hell even 1 and 2. I made a Night Elf druid as my first character, as Night Elf was my favourite race to play in Warcraft 3, and druids of the claw and talon were my favourite units as well. You play a night elf and you see Ancient Protectors walking around! You could build Ancient Protectors in Warcraft 3! How awesome is that! I had to know what else the game had for me. Welp... that druid lasted until level 23 or so. And thus my altoholic nature began. I tried every single variation of characters you could think of. My vanilla wow career was a rehash of every single starting zone ad nauseam.

But then TBC came out and my friends finally bit the bullet and bought the game finally. These friends didn't quite have the history with the Warcraft franchise I did so they didn't care about it in the same way I did, in that I wanted to see all the cool little nooks and crannies the world had to offer. No, they wanted to experience the END GAME *laser light show enabled*. Leveling to them was just an obstacle to the end game. So we all made characters together Tetra, Hydrow, and Cannibinol (that was me). We all leveled together, until we didn't because one of us blasted past the others. Plus, I would stop leveling and level an alt because I still liked playing alone without having to talk to people over comms or anything sometimes.

Well, halfway through TBC we found out our other friend was playing, and he was crazy. His life was WoW. He eventually got so insane with the game that he never had to pay for gametime anymore because he would just "sell" gold to people in return for game time, that's how much gold he had accumulated over all his time playing WoW. He had his own guild, his knowledge of the game exceeded anyone I have ever met. So, needless to say, we three ditched those characters and joined our friends server. We made new characters, all blood elves. No matching name theme this time however.

And now I had the hard decision. Do I give into my altoholic nature again and never experience the end game with my friends, while they are all having fun running raids and killing alliance without me? Which is exactly what happened. I would hear them over ventrilo having fun running uldaman or something and here I was a level 12 Blood Elf Rogue, or a level 16 Tauren Druid, or a level 5 Blood elf warlock.

I said goodbye to my other characters that day, because I decided playing with friends was more important than experiencing every class and every starting zone over and over.

I guess all this is to say that if you have friends who play this game it is infinitely more fun to play with them at end game then it is to play the game over and over alone. It is pretty much why I was able to beat altoholism and if you don't have a group of friends to play with then the real question to ask yourself is "How do you find enjoyment in the game?" If the leveling experience is something you really enjoy, then by all means embrace you altoholicness, but if you long to see your character in end game epics or even, dare I say, a legendary, or schooling noobs in end game PvP then maybe giving up the alt life is what needs to happen.

Also, another reason I found myself slipping into this altoholic mindset was because I would get "jealous" of what other classes had. Like if I was a hunter and I saw a warlock I would say "Damn, I wish I could get a free mount." or if I was a warrior and saw a druid I'd say "Damn I wish I could travel faster and not die to more than one mob." It's hard to break this mentality because the grass is always greener on the other side.

Horde | Druid | Incendius | Cowligula
Silverpine Forest
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OC Arugal
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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im struggling bigtime lmao. trying to stay on my main warlock, its level 25 atm but i have a 19 priest, 19 lock (on another server), 16 warr, 10 rogue, 10 pally, 9 warr, 10 shaman, andddd thinking about starting up a huntard too. can never stay focused, burning out doing the same zones and quests over and over though so i might have to just stick with my lock and get shit done


Hunter Beast Mastery
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US Stalagg
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I leveled my mage to 26 and then rolled a hunter with my wife then i rolled a hunter to play on my own as well.

Quicks - Orc Hunter - US Sulfuras
Chablo - Undead Mage - US Sulfuras

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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I started with a Lock but my hughesnet lag made spells additionally slow and I died quite a bit because of it. Running a hunter now and having a great time as the lag is not causing the issues I had with the Lock so I'll be running him all the way along with professions.

Druid Restoration
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OC Yojamba
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Midoo wrote:
4 years ago
Your old vanilla acct?

Lvl 60
Lvl 35
Warrior Fury
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EU Gandling
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I wish. That's on a pserver where I started years ago.

   Selexin teebling
"Einstein would turn over in his grave;
Not only does God play dice,
But the dice are loaded."

- Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Looking God In The Eye"
Warrior Protection
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I get the urge to try out new classes once the leveling starts to slow down in the 30s too, but really the best parts of the game are ahead and, in my experience from playing on pservers and stuff, I have more fun pushing my one character into new zones, getting all their abilities, seeing the new dungeons etc. than I do running The Barrens over and over.

Having said that, someone else in this thread has mentioned that this is the best time to reroll, which I guess technically is true. If you look forward to the ability your character gets, how they function in dungeons, how they function in PVP, etc. and you just think like "This sucks" or "This isn't what I want to do," then yeah it's probably time to jump ship on your main and try something else.

You're going to have "grass is greener" syndrome with other classes no matter what you play. I'd say just think about what drew you to your main in the first place and stick it out until they're fully fleshed out unless you're truly hating the experience and don't see it getting better by like, your 40s.

EDIT: Having said all this, bouncing a couple characters around to juggle rest isn't the worst idea in the world. It's not the fastest, but I don't think anyone with altoholism is that worried about it. And if you're worried about sinking time into a "dead" character, consider you need to be 35 to be an Artisan at a profession. Still worth keeping around for that at least.

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EU Flamelash
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Paradox wrote:
4 years ago
As the title says I do believe im getting the symptoms lol, I just got to 30 on my rogue after re rolling from my hunter. Now im getting tempted to roll a warlock instead of continuing with my current toon.
Go hunter imo it'll give you an adequate grasp of pve without dying as much and make some gold along the way. Meanwhile, you can fight side by side other players and learn more about their class play-style and solidify your ACTUAL future main.

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Rogue Subtlety
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US Grobbulus
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Night Elf
4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Yeah I think I'm going to roll a warrior alt and play it on rested xp. Need at least one to break up the monotony.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
Keatts- Human Rogue

Grobbulus - US
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US Sulfuras
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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One of the things I do is that every time I get a item that can be used by one of my alter I take it as a goal. For example, if I get a sword level 15 and my war is level 13 I try to level it until the sword can be equipped. So the satisfaction is greater, oh yeash

Español, por favor.
Thunder Bluff
US Kurinaxx
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Same problem for me. Had a undead warlock to 14. I became really frustrated trying to get in groups for RFC so I decided to roll a Bear tank. I got him up to 14 and I must say its a little slow to level compared to Lock.

Blasted Lands
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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JollyResolve6 wrote:
4 years ago
I was an altoholic in Vanilla and never got past level 30 because it it.
For Classic I'm not letting myself play another character (other than my bank alt) until I get my main to 60.
I am in the exact same boat. In vanilla I got a mage to around mid 30, hunter to start 50, warlock to around lv40 and a lot of low lvl alts.. At the moment I am a few bars from 40 on my main and will not even consider alts before my main hit 60. Atleast I chose warlock and I am generally happy due to playing draintanking and not the standard private server voidwalker spec.

EU - Firemaw
Alliance Warlock