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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Pippina wrote:
4 years ago
I think the counterpoint to this is that the amount of resource output vs the number of players on the server should be correct. And if there are a finite number of layers with a set respawn time spread across all of them, you are able to harvest this many resources from the layers because there's not many other groups competing across the layers as you are.
And I think that was everyones stance until we began farming. These layers are empty. Im not sure what quantity of people are on each layer, but I can say that there are not enough. I should not be able to pull a devilsaur set per hour with a 3 man team. This is absurd. An entire server should not have that level of support of devilsaurs. The worst part is that several other teams are capable of doing the same thing at the same time, we arent even capable of locking down all these devilsaurs. Players are not filling layers and they are not being dynamically squished. The numbers of players per layer may also be off. To be clear here, I cant kill devilsaurs fast enough... This isnt an issue of hunting them, I simply cant kill them as fast as I can find them.

While I acknowledge that I leveled fast, there are still a great deal of players at 60. On a single realm, with appropriate dynamic respawns, these devils would only be spawning on one cohesive world every 15 mins and we would be forced to fight for them. There is no doubt that layering is creating a surplus of leather. I am quite literally getting about 10 times the leather that I should be getting if the world was one cohesive place where we had to fight for these tags. I can say this because I farmed devils early on private and now I have done so on Classic. The yield is about 10 times as high.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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morbidmike wrote:
4 years ago
Well I managed to farm 22 Devilsaur leathers in less than 2 hours by using layering. Shit's totally fine though, it's not being abused at all (except by literally everyone I have on my friendlist and in my guild).
A mate got to 300 herbalism last week. So we told him to go look for https://classic.wowhead.com/item=13468/black-lotus. After finding couple and working for them, he just spawncamped two nodes with layering. Got 16 in 30 minutes. Layering is fine and don't get abused :confused:

Edit: seems like they noticed themselves that the house was on fire...
 Blizzard Entertainment
We recently developed a hotfix that restricts frequent layer-hopping, without impacting those who simply wish to play with their friends. Following realm restarts earlier today, this hotfix is now live in all realms in the Americas and Oceania region.

Now, each time a player moves to a new layer, there will be an increasing amount of time before that player can move to another layer. If a player moves between layers multiple times over a short timeframe, the cooldown can increase to a duration of several minutes (or longer) before they can change layers again. The cooldown will then decrease over time for players who don’t change layers.

This hotfix will become active in other regions following their next realm restarts.

Thank you!
Source https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t ... ers/290703

Warrior Fury
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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FTHforever wrote:
4 years ago
A mate got to 300 herbalism last week. So we told him to go look for https://classic.wowhead.com/item=13468/black-lotus. After finding couple and working for them, he just spawncamped two nodes with layering. Got 16 in 30 minutes. Layering is fine and don't get abused :confused:
Yep, leave it to Blizz and the casuals... Always 40 steps behind. We can scream and yell that we are abusing a system and that it is absurd! But Blizz will do damage control and casuals will nod their heads feeling like Blizz has done a solid job. Meanwhile the hardcores were predicting abuse the day layering was announced, were demonstrating the abuse during the beta and continued to do so on the stress tests. But no... Layering is fine, people are over exaggerating. If that is the case, why hot fix it? Because it was fucking massive. And if you had the opportunity to abuse it like some of us did, you would understand HOW massive it was. Even these new changes dont address all the issues, but they certainly address the most glaring ones that could have been predicted (were predicted) on the day layering was announced. God layering is awful...

"If a player moves between layers multiple times over a short timeframe, the cooldown can increase to a duration of several minutes (or longer) before they can change layers again." I really want to know what "several minutes" means. Does this even impact layer hopping? If a sweep of Ungoro takes me 10 mins to complete (which is relatively fast) and I only have to wait "several minutes" will it even matter? Surely I cant stand in a cross over spot as I was and spam through layers to instantly find devils, but depending on what "several minutes" translates to, this may not make a difference. Assuming the cooldown is 10 mins or less, this wont put a dent in my layer abuse. A minor nuisance at best. I will treat layer hops exactly as I treat dungeon resets. Start a timer, go into the dungeon for 15 mins, run out and reset. I will start an Ungoro layer, fish for devils for the cooldown duration, and layer hop. This is the issue with layering, it is inherently flawed and no matter how much you throw duct tape on it, it will still be a failure of a system. It was designed to be abused and so I will abuse it. Just as I collect pre BiS gear because it optimizes my play, I will abuse layers to optimize my farming yield.

Now I have about 1100 devilsaur leather (most already crafted into sets) and the system is being nerfed. One of two things is about to happen. Either farming devilsaurs will get shitty, and my stock is going to rise in value, or this has changed nothing and I will continue to farm stock. There is no circumstance where this hurts me, in fact, this has a high likelihood of making the rich richer.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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@Stfuppercut sounds like you’re sitting on a pile of gold mate, I’d wait a while to cash out too!

Alterac Valley
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Stfuppercut wrote:
4 years ago
Now I have about 1100 devilsaur leather (most already crafted into sets) and the system is being nerfed. One of two things is about to happen. Either farming devilsaurs will get shitty, and my stock is going to rise in value, or this has changed nothing and I will continue to farm stock. There is no circumstance where this hurts me, in fact, this has a high likelihood of making the rich richer.
It will absolutely work that way if the established want to control the market. You could make bank by turning your profit into cash, then just flip cheaper devilsaur to match your desired price. Could make a fuckton of gold.
I don't know if a single individual can pull this off, but a group should be able to.

About how the new layer restrictions work: they will only reduce spikes, like my black lotus example, but won't be doing much overall probably.

Warrior Fury
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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FTHforever wrote:
4 years ago
About how the new layer restrictions work: they will only reduce spikes, like my black lotus example, but won't be doing much overall probably.
Right. This is my guess as well. Though I havent tried it yet... But Blizz will pat themselves on the back for using their "secret weapon" and the casual players will screech with glee! Get em Blizzard!!! Meanwhile the no lifers will continue to abuse the system one way or another.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
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Stfuppercut wrote:
4 years ago
Meanwhile the no lifers will continue to abuse the system one way or another.
Indeed they will :smile:

Enjoy your new found social status on your server! You may become quite famous for the wealth you look to accumulate through layer abuse, the numbers you quote are literally unimaginable. 1100 devilsaur leather? Jesus H. Christ. I wonder how supply/demand will go with high level mats. I guess if you hold onto the mats until Phase 3 they may be worth a fair amount. Or even late Phase 2. Looks like supply of high level materials will be no issue for Phase 1 and will prob carry over into Phase 2 also. I imagine with 1100 devilsaur leather (And some crafted into gear) you have a few banks/accounts full of gear currently.

Post some screenies when you get a chance, I was happy on private servers farming a couple of stacks of devilsaur leather solo - I can't imagine what 1100 looks like.

Lvl 60
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Warrior Fury
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Selexin wrote:
4 years ago
Enjoy your new found social status on your server! You may become quite famous for the wealth you look to accumulate through layer abuse, the numbers you quote are literally unimaginable...
The high life.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink: