Warlock Affliction
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US Bigglesworth
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4 years ago (Beta)
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https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/com ... o_gain_an/

What do you guys think about these mafias forming to gain monopolies on things like devilsaur leather? I remember this being a thing on one of the private servers before classic was announced, and it seemed to piss off everyone on the server. Looks like for classic people are being recruited for new mafias for the same reason--to prevent others from obtainining important pre-raid items unless they pay for them through the prices set by the mafia.

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4 years ago (Beta)
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Isn't this kind of a function of Guilds?

I have nothing fancy to add here, but if you've never played Binary Domain, you should.
Shaman Enhancement
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I don't know enough about them or how they specifically work, but the real issues with these is if they become cross-faction cooperation. That deserves a ban.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Lmao, yikes. One thing is being in a guild and having rivalries, which is to be highly expected, but this is taking it far beyond nerd-level 100.

Having an entire monopoly over certain items on a whole server should honestly 100% warrant for suspension. That's just downright silly.

Human Warrior - Shazzrah Firemaw PVP
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Eve online stuff :biggrin:

   teebling Kazukii Pippina
Alterac Valley
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Everyone involved in this, or even in the guilds that are involved, should be permanently banned, no questions asked.

Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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"They are planning on using this to create Mafias cross-faction and possibly cross server for black lotus, devilsaur, ect."... Meh. Delusions of grandeur. We hear the same thing all of the time... It wont happen. Realms have layers and potentially have 50k players. You couldnt even control a realm without layers on private with 12k. The romanticized Devilsaur Mafia was the closest anyone had to achieving this, and having played alongside the devilsaur mafia, they didnt interrupt my devilsaur farming too often. People like to feel special. There is also a rogue coalition on Fairbanks horde side who say they wont be letting anyone raid. I typically roll my eyes and sigh when I read these things hahaha. Perhaps im too experienced.

This could work after layering is removed, but lets face it, after layering is removed no one will want devilsaur anymore anyways... Lotuses are always high competition. Controlling a MASS server requires a gigantic portion of players and at a certain point the cost of coordination wont outweigh the very small profit margins. Unfortunately for them, they will likely fall on their faces long before this can gain any traction. But again, this wont be a concern until phase 2 which is months and months away.

Lets assume you have a coordinated group of 5 going for devilsaurs. They will likely need to outnumber you to win. As they shift players to your layer and commit people to your layer they will eventually outnumber and overwhelm your team. At which time they are all on a layer swap cooldown, and then you and your team swap layers to continue your farm, likely on another layer that has less competition. You cant control every layer. They will be constantly shifting players all over layers to try and control all of these spawns while managing their own swap cooldowns... This just wont happen. People who have SUCH unrealistic hopes and aspirations and cant even identify the implausibility of such a system are the least of my concerns. Most of these knuckleheads wont hit 60.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
Hunter Survival
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US Smolderweb
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Not to mention they have to sustain control for most of the day every single day or get undercut by people farming off-hours, or else have enough gold to buy out those inventories. That's some extreme drudgery even by vanilla standards.

Maybe by phase 2 they can contract the Rank 14 grinders as mercenaries to cover their farm. Sounds like @RedridgeGnoll 's wet dream.

   Stfuppercut meatbag7 Pippina
Priest Discipline
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Cross-faction collusion is apparently bannable... and it should be. There's nothing you can do about it as a player and that spoils the fun.

It would be more interesting if they did this to attain a server first kill, e.g. by camping an attunement quest. One half of the guild rushes MC while the other half slows down the opposite faction.

Deadwind Pass
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US Grobbulus
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Kurthos my man, he's insane.

Herod - PvP
Warlock Destruction
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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Here's a web archive with a Q&A done in 2005 with the guy who designed the Honor system.

I'll highlight the relevant bit:

How do you intend to prevent guilds/individuals from farming honor using the "you kill me, I kill you" system? Unless you LOSE an equal amount of honor for dying as you would gain from killing an equal lvl player, "farming" honor will be the best way to reach the top of the PvP food chain. How do you guys intend to stop this kind of stuff?

As we've stated before, subsequent kills on the same player will have diminishing returns. In addition, willful collusion between two guilds of opposing factions is considered an exploit, and participating players will be penalized accordingly. Also, the system can track unusual patterns that help expose this behavior.

Additionally, unlike on private servers, you can't polymorph tagged mobs like you could on private servers, so good luck with that.
Also, there's no EU/NA/Asian players to cover those late hours so you'll have to work harder every day.
Also there's layers now so good luck cornering all layers.
Also they probably won't have the same fixed and timed spawn points as they did on private servers, so good luck figuring them out.

So good luck risking your account for something that takes me 2 minutes to report, I wish them the best.

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4 years ago (Beta)
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One might argue that this could and might happen to any server really.
And you might not even know until it's too late. That said it sounds like this is just part of the game but to extreme levels so not sure how much Blizz would actually be able to intervene if it doesn't violate the EULA.

We'll see... Def still rolling Faibanks with a pretty sizable guild.
And remember, I don't think there is a drama free server or if there is that might change soon.


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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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This kind of stuff is great. It all adds to the flavor of the server. I doubt they can pull it off, but if they tried then I bet it would be fun to try to organize against them.

EU Auberdine
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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In my opinion it deserves insta ban...