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Poll  •  Best class for world pvp if not raiding nor honor grinding? (Can pick multiple if ties)
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Swamp of Sorrows
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Hey guys, I'm trying to decide my class and what end-game gear I'm going to go after.

About me:

  • I’m a casual player (10-15 hours a week)
  • I play wow strictly for the world pvp :biggrin:
  • No interest in instanced stuff (dungeons, raiding, BGs)
  • No interest in farming honor, so I don’t expect to rank high
  • I'm fond of shadow priest, druid, rogue but open to any class
  • Open to buying gear on AH, crafting, reasonable quests, reasonable reputation farming

My question: What are my class options? Please post gear list I should aim for (if you have it).

Thank you for sharing any knowledge / experience you have!

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EU Firemaw
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4 years ago (Beta)
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A balance druid out in the world with rank10 gear is such an irritation.

<No Plan Required> [A] Firemaw EU, social semi-hardcore progress guild, come say hello!

Formerly Fok/Voxic of <The Blood> | Azjol-Nerub EU
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Forget warrior,
Rogue is good because you can jump in and out of stealth where needed however you would probably end up ganking noobs in lakeshire (horde)

I like warlock for world pvp because a lot of classes struggle to face them and even if they manage to beat you they will lose anyway because of whatever curse you left on them.

| Kazumi[33] - Frost Mage, Wetpaint[49] - Prot Warrior | Golemagg PVP|
Priest Holy
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EU Wyrmthalak
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I voted Rogue and SPriest, Rogues gets to pick his own fights witch is a huge bonus and they are great at pvp. SPriests are good from phase 1 with blue gear.

If everything fails all horde classes are great in Redridge.

Rogue Subtlety
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US Grobbulus
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Night Elf
4 years ago (Beta)
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I've been experimenting with different classes on kronos recently and have found hunter to be fantastic for solo wpvp. Humanoid tracking keeps you from ever getting surprised if you pay attention to radar, and is extremely useful if you're the one on the hunt. You can disengage and escape pretty effectively if you get overwhelmed. You have the cc to deal with multiple opponents if played well. And the most important part for wpvp, is a pet you can send to solo lowbies as you follow along and /cheer the pet. You cannot truly defeat your enemy without also crushing his spirit.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
Keatts- Human Rogue

Grobbulus - US
Swamp of Sorrows
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Wow rogue is dominating in the poll. Can anyone share why the voted rogue / what gear to get?

Warrior Protection
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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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4 years ago (Beta)
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shako154 wrote:
4 years ago
Wow rogue is dominating in the poll. Can anyone share why the voted rogue / what gear to get?

Rogue Subtlety
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US Grobbulus
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Night Elf
4 years ago (Beta)
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shako154 wrote:
4 years ago
Wow rogue is dominating in the poll. Can anyone share why the voted rogue / what gear to get?
Everyone says that because rogue is the best ganker, and because stealth allows you to choose your fights. They are arguably one of the best 1v1 classes in the game. That said, I disagree with them being the top wpvp class because they are pretty shit at everything else. If you are in a multiperson fight, or the fight is not over in 20 seconds, i would rather be playing most other classes.

If 1v1 ganking is your thing, go rogue. If not, I think you're better off as a hunter, lock, druid, etc.

Telvaine - Night Elf Hunter
Vennrick - Human Warrior
Keatts- Human Rogue

Grobbulus - US
Swamp of Sorrows
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Hunter just pulled ahead — what’s their secret? Any gear lists?

Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Hunter. As broken as they are, they are still the casual go-to and many of the reasons that they are broken won’t even be noticed by a casual player. The biggest reason is bestial wrath. I can let a 5 year old play my hunter from 1-60 and he will win the majority of 1v1 engagements because my pet can just solo classes. Actually though, it solo's players. What about the fights I lose? Typically only if the player uses consumes or cooldowns. But because bestial wrath is such a short cooldown, as soon as I arrive back to my body, my pet is a whistle away (no long summon to get it out) and I pop bestial wrath and watch it solo the guy. Always up, always good and this takes no skills. Pair this with a competent hunter who knows how to juggle his pet and kite and 1vsX situations are very possible even without gear for a casual player.

Due to changes with hunter they wont be worth it for a strong player who is looking to min/max endgame or play PvP seriously.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
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EU Wyrmthalak
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I vote for wl. Fear and dots for the win. Can be dangerous also with shitty gear. Pets bring even more utility on the table. And in later patch progression you get some serious gear over the AH (bloodvine set / bwl like gear) and the missing stamina of the bloodvine set can you compensate through your rare pvp set pieces.

Zandalar Tribe rp-pvp
Shaman Elemental
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Shadow priests are pretty badass even with dungeon gear when it comes to 1v1. Rogues, like others have pointed out, get to choose their fights so you kind of have an unfair advantage passing those you won't win against and getting the drop on those you choose to engage.

I'm personally going to be going warlock and they're probably the best 1vMany. You can find videos of vanilla locks taking on 5 man groups out in the world. There's a high skill cap but if you can get there, you can stomp just about anyone 1v1.


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Tirisfal Glades
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Warlocks and rogues imo.

Lost in the multiverse.
Author of AbyssUI and AbyssUI Classic
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Doing World PvP without raiding/dungeons/bgs is pretty impossible, maybe you can get away with it for a week at 60. Once people get some epics from raids etc you will auto lose against people way worse than you.

Arathi Basin
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EU Ten Storms
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Kare wrote:
4 years ago
Doing World PvP without raiding/dungeons/bgs is pretty impossible, maybe you can get away with it for a week at 60. Once people get some epics from raids etc you will auto lose against people way worse than you.
I don't agree here. Gear is an important factor but for World PvP, skill does alot.

Altaholic playing the following:
Ten Storms EU Alliance
Finnigan - Dwarf Hunter Lvl 30
Portalmaster - Gnome Mage Lvl 19
Shaelur - Dwarf Paladin Lvl 22
Shaelus - Night Elf Druid Lvl 50
Tirisfal Glades
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4 years ago (Beta)
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If you are horde, go rogue. If you are alliance, go warrior. As a mage, there are few things I enjoy more than seeing a non-raid, non-pvp geared warrior just out roaming around.

Our time will come.
Swamp of Sorrows
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Any Druid players with relatively easy to obtain gear and wpvp experience?

Arathi Basin
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EU Ten Storms
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4 years ago (Beta)
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shako154 wrote:
4 years ago
Any Druid players with relatively easy to obtain gear and wpvp experience?
Druids are not easy to get any gear besides Healing gear.

Altaholic playing the following:
Ten Storms EU Alliance
Finnigan - Dwarf Hunter Lvl 30
Portalmaster - Gnome Mage Lvl 19
Shaelur - Dwarf Paladin Lvl 22
Shaelus - Night Elf Druid Lvl 50
Arathi Basin
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4 years ago (Beta)
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In my eyes, it is the Mage would fit the best for Solo-World-PvP. But you need some gear...

Undead Priest @ <reLAX>
Twitch Channel, feel free to take a look :)!
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Erik wrote:
4 years ago
Kare wrote:
4 years ago
Doing World PvP without raiding/dungeons/bgs is pretty impossible, maybe you can get away with it for a week at 60. Once people get some epics from raids etc you will auto lose against people way worse than you.
I don't agree here. Gear is an important factor but for World PvP, skill does alot.
If you dont' do dungeons or raids or bgs, you basically only have gear from quests. You will be destroyed by people with good dungeon blues and a few epics. Not really sure how this can be arguable.

Arathi Basin
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EU Ten Storms
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Kare wrote:
4 years ago
Erik wrote:
4 years ago
Kare wrote:
4 years ago
Doing World PvP without raiding/dungeons/bgs is pretty impossible, maybe you can get away with it for a week at 60. Once people get some epics from raids etc you will auto lose against people way worse than you.
I don't agree here. Gear is an important factor but for World PvP, skill does alot.
If you dont' do dungeons or raids or bgs, you basically only have gear from quests. You will be destroyed by people with good dungeon blues and a few epics. Not really sure how this can be arguable.
I obviously make that statement meaning gear is good for you and of course you need to have some gear and not entirely quest/level greens. But for instance a dungeon geared player does not automatically lose to a partial or fully raid gear in World PvP.

In BGs where they are actually focusing PvP he would struggle, but for World PvP you don't really require raid gear (although he will face hard opponents without proper gear).

Edit: I should have quoted second part of the post with the meaning of "auto lose vs players worse then you" and not full quote. He obviously needs to get at least some dungeon gear.

Altaholic playing the following:
Ten Storms EU Alliance
Finnigan - Dwarf Hunter Lvl 30
Portalmaster - Gnome Mage Lvl 19
Shaelur - Dwarf Paladin Lvl 22
Shaelus - Night Elf Druid Lvl 50
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US Skeram
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I'm thinking it's rogue for 1v1, but spriest or mage for 1v2.

Having fun killing alliance... let me know what you think:
Swamp of Sorrows
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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What did you end up deciding on? I say always give Hunters & Locks a shot. Locks dominate in BGs solo, and you may enjoy them alot given that you already like caster classes. Hunters are amazing fun in a BG. Extremely hig utility, best of many worlds without feeling clunky. You can certainly go toe to toe with several enemies or even be great support from a distance. They are extremely versitile, being able to hit hard with Ranged (Good luck melee!) or get up in the face of a caster while pet puts the damage on further. You can CC & AoE with the best of em. Once I mastered one in PvP it was an addicting adrenaline rush. And I disagree with anyone who says it's "easy". It's not easy to master. Low entry, difficult to master kind of thing. I honestly saw more Hunters get steamrolled more than they succeeded, but when skilled PvPers met a skilled Hunter, they honestly typically didn't know what to do. Good times!

Druid Feral
EU Gehennas
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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I'd set my money on a HOTW/NS druid. All the perks of stealth, healing. Yes dps is sub-par but you simple can outlast your enemy.

And if you would meet your true nemesis you'd still be as slippery as fuck all and weasel your way into safety.

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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (1.13.2)
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Forsakenone wrote:
4 years ago
I'd set my money on a HOTW/NS druid. All the perks of stealth, healing. Yes dps is sub-par but you simple can outlast your enemy.

And if you would meet your true nemesis you'd still be as slippery as fuck all and weasel your way into safety.
Man I ran into an enemy druid the other night, before battlegrounds were out. He was throwing moonfire on me, but wasn't a moonkin. I'm guessing he was probably something along the lines of this spec. It was super annoying. I'm a druid too and didn't feel like fighting, and was near the ocean so I jumped in and swam away. So did he though. He kept dropping out to root me and catch up, but I eventually got far enough away to get out of casting range. But he kept swimming after me. 15 minutes later it stopped being a PVP fight and turned into an exploration adventure. We made it half way up the coast of Kalimdor before I rage quit and hit alt+F4.

I thought hitting alt+F4 while auto-swimming would keep me moving until I disconnected. But nope, apparently when I force quit the game client my character stopped moving and stuck around for a while because when I logged in later I was dead. It took him more than 15 minutes to get his honor kill, but that son of a bitch got his honor kill.

It was great. I hated it. I think PVP Druid has the potential to be the most obnoxious class out there.

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