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Poll  •  Which warrior spec?
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Stfuppercut wrote: Finding tanks for any content has always been a pain in the dick. Getting a fury or arms warrior to temporarily toss on a shield to tank is like pulling teeth in most cases. "LF1M XXXXX(content) need tank and GTG" is pretty much the tagline of every forming group. Proceeds right up to and including retail where tanks get insta queues for dungeon finder content. They always have too. Even on vanilla private servers, finding tanks is always the hardest part of building a group.

Was just surprised with the over-representation of prot when getting any warrior to tank is usually tough. I suppose this forum is probably catered to a more mature audience though and perhaps tanking appeals more to that demographic.
Yeah I think that is part of it.

Just expanding on your idea - I feel like tanking is one of the less casual options. There's more pressure on the tank to perform and not let the group wipe, there's more pressure on the tank to lead the group, know where to go, be at least familiar with the encounters. DPS is DPS, they can faceroll their way through instances for the most part. DPS usually follows the tank around and doesn't have to know where they are going as much, and they're not really expected to lead. Healers have pressure to perform and not let people die, but they're also not typically the group leader. They also don't have much leadership expectations on them.

People who gravitate to the larger responsibility of the tank role are probably less casual players. And people who spend their time on a message board talking about game are probably also less casual. So we're probably a bit more over-represented here then in the larger playerbase.

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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Cletus wrote:
4 years ago
Morrigan wrote:
4 years ago
I'm actually surprised 31% chose Prot PVE since fury dps are normally the most common type of warrior.
Just wait till folks find out how much more difficult Classic tanking is. That's how you end up with so many fury dps lol.
Do you think there are a lot of people on this forum that didn't play the original game or some recent private servers though? I'm sure there will be some new players and tourists in classic, but I don't think we have many of them here. I think most people responding to our polls here know what they're getting into.

I think we just got a certain specific slice of player demographics here who lean towards things like tanking. Our polls are probably representative of us, and less representative of the larger playerbase.

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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Apol wrote:
4 years ago
I think I'll be leveling in the rare ranged spellcaster warrior spec

You gonna go all in while the christmas NPCs are in town and buy a bank full of snowballs? :lol:

Warrior Protection
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I love me some Fury DPS, but I enjoy getting beat on by bosses even more, so I'm going Prot.

But maybe, just maybe, my ultimate dream will come true and I will be able to roll with the God-tier best-of-both-worlds spec, the infamous Fury/Prot build.

How ya doin' mon?
Tirisfal Glades
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Pippina wrote:
4 years ago

Do you think there are a lot of people on this forum that didn't play the original game or some recent private servers though?
Is this rhetorical? Maybe the humor of my post was completely missed. I thought the "lol" at the end would have helped with that.
But seriously, there will be a lot of people playing warriors. Many will want to be tanks however, there are only so many raid tanking slots available. So what happens to the leftovers? As fortune would have it, warriors happen to be good at DPS. So now instead of making a new toon warriors can just re-spec. This is just an example of one way a poll showing that while many intend to be Prot they actually end up being dps.

Our time will come.
Warrior Arms
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Arms to level but I might make the decision to go Arms-Prot at about lvl 45.

Think Fury Prot, but Arms.

I'll stay this way through 5 mans and URBS etc. Once we go into MC that will likely change to 'Impale-Prot'.

Pros: Minimal Respecs Pre-Raiding.
Good Solo and Group Utility
Improved Blood Rage for Charge > Mortal Strike Openers.
Last Stand

Cons: Miss out on some free DPS from Fury, however without the /sit feature I doubt this will be too noticeable.

"Dem <LUSTRUMGG> Raiders Be Chill Mon"
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