Warrior Fury
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4 years ago (Beta)
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ejangle wrote:
4 years ago
For what it's worth, one of the best PVP warriors in vanilla was undead (assuming you'll agree that Laintime deserves that distinction).

If you fancy the UD aesthetic, an extra CC break, or the ability to insult/cannibalize your enemy, rolling undead vs. orc isn't going to be the thing that makes you bad or good.
Yeah, a lot of us chose suboptimal specs because we didn't have the same access to information that we do now. The time investment it took to get 60 was/is immense. It was simply too late for most of us to switch once we had arrived at 60. In an era where keybinds separated you from the bottom tier of players, you had a lot of wiggle room to make poor choices and still win. The new generation that will be returning to Classic are used to min/maxing. The differences in racials will matter in the top tier of play. WoTF is not a bad racial, the issue is that +25% stun resist is massive. There are more stuns in the game than there are fears and warriors already have answers to fears, they only have a trinket to answer stuns (Good pvpers will be cycling trinkets and this may not even be equipped). Hardiness is superior to WoTF for warriors unless they are specifically fighting alliance warlocks, who will be underpopulated due to the fact that the horde will boast a whopping 40-50% undead populace. This increase in population discourages serious alliance PvPers to roll as a warlock in some circumstances. Regardless, stun resist will serve you better against the majority of your opponents. Even the competent warlocks you face will have grenades, meaning they will still have a meaningful ranged stun.

See Deathwish, Recklessness and Berserker Rage (30 second cooldown, immunity for 10 seconds). WoTF is overkill for a warrior who already has the ability to remove fear AND become immune to it in a variety of ways.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
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Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Psojed wrote:
4 years ago
Well, you can pick members for your premade however you see fit. But when I pick members for a premade, I won't look at which race you're playing, I'll look at how good you are at playing your class.
Yes, some racials are better than other racials. Hardiness is certainly not better than Will of the Forsaken.
Premades will win the majority of their games. You could run 10 prot warriors and have a good shot against unorganized groups of turds. The reality is that most "good" players, will make good choices and thus will min/max. Part of being good is being prepared by taking the best racial, spec, professions, consumes and gearing. Min/maxing your racial is one small part of being good. All these subtle advantages add up. Which is why good players will choose optimal racials. Hardiness is definitively better than WoTF as a general racial for warriors. To say otherwise is ignorant.
Psojed wrote:
4 years ago
Nobody asked you to :) Like I said, race is a personal preference thing. To each their own.
Agreed. Until we begin to enter the realm of what is optimal. Then there is a best. OP's questions are related to performance. If you dont care about your performance and prefer to make choices based on aesthetics, all the power to you! Just dont try to justify those choices by saying your choices can be justified by sub optimal racials... They cant be.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
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Whenever you see a pally doing its thing you're going to wish you were there.

But most of the time those Alliance warriors are toughing it out alone in the trenches. Most of those pallies are ret, and you don't want to be that guy trying to demand heals. a) Never works, b) They were once that guy and that's why they're playing a ret pally: to heal themselves.

Unless you heavily emphasize teamplay, or know someone already who will be the pally as @Stfuppercut already mentioned, the orc is going to be the choice for you since it seems you enjoy the lore and look better already. You're getting best PvE + PvP racials in one, not a bad deal at all.

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4 years ago (Beta)
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One piece of advice that served me well solo queueing in rando-scrub BG's is to pick a healer (or healing class) and defend them in the battle early on. More often than not, they'll reciprocate and throw some heals back in your direction. Perhaps common sense, but I've found in MMO's that common sense isn't so common.

Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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ejangle wrote:
4 years ago
One piece of advice that served me well solo queueing in rando-scrub BG's is to pick a healer (or healing class) and defend them in the battle early on. More often than not, they'll reciprocate and throw some heals back in your direction. Perhaps common sense, but I've found in MMO's that common sense isn't so common.
You were lucky enough to join pugs and get healers?! Hahahaha. You arent wrong though, support your healers so that they are inclined to help you and keep queuing. Outside of premades, you will rarely see healers in battlegrounds. These guys get scooped up SO fast on teams. The reality of being a solo queue healer is pretty bleak, I dont question why so few bother to queue up.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
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Stfuppercut wrote:
4 years ago
ejangle wrote:
4 years ago
One piece of advice that served me well solo queueing in rando-scrub BG's is to pick a healer (or healing class) and defend them in the battle early on. More often than not, they'll reciprocate and throw some heals back in your direction. Perhaps common sense, but I've found in MMO's that common sense isn't so common.
You were lucky enough to join pugs and get healers?! Hahahaha. You arent wrong though, support your healers so that they are inclined to help you and keep queuing. Outside of premades, you will rarely see healers in battlegrounds. These guys get scooped up SO fast on teams. The reality of being a solo queue healer is pretty bleak, I dont question why so few bother to queue up.
True, true, which is why I caveated my statement with "or healing class" because many of the priests, paladins, shamans, and druids that solo-queue are meme specced for damage. That said, they still have the innate ability to heal (albeit mana inefficient, etc.) and in my experience, are willing to toss a few heals your direction if you pay it forward. It won't be the same as having a dedicated healer but in random BG's, it's kind of an "any port in the storm" scenario.

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