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Poll  •  Do you plan to reroll a twink in Classic?
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5 years ago (Beta)
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Hi everyone,

I am super excited about the release of wow classic and in particular about the return of twinking. In fact, I played a lot as a twink and with the return to vanilla I hope that the twink community will rebirth. It will be cool if we can have again a good and solid community of twink to share this passion.
It's why I post this, to now if the twink community isn't dead.

Of course I know that it will take time because we all have to level up our main before our twink, but if you intend to do a twink in classic, let me know and also which class/race if it's the case. I know that a very complete rogue guide was already done by @teebling but if we can do it for the other classes and regroup them in the same place it would be great.

If you have any additionnnal tips, guides or website don't hesiate to share it. ;)
Don't forget the poll just below ^^


Mage Frost
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EU Flamelash
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5 years ago (Beta)
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Judging from the already large amount of posts concerning twinks we've had this week, I would warrant a very careful guess and say that it will probably be a thing.

Shaman Restoration
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5 years ago (Beta)
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I sure hope it will be a thing anyhow, had a blast twinking at lvl 29 in Vanilla.
Had a rogue back then, not sure which class it will be this time around if it turns out to be a thing, only thing I know for sure is that it will be a horde character.

Alterac Valley
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To get it right because a lot of people mix up Twink and Alts.
You mean those lvl 19/29/39/49 BIS beasts with every Enchantment that there is, right?

If so, no i never made one and hate the idea around it. I mean if there was Rated BGs so you only face grouped people that are mostly also twinks then cool i am into it but everyone who did not play back then can watch the WSG test last Weekend and see how max geared grouped people destroy any group that is not pre grouped or as geared as them.

I played a lot of Esports back then (Star wars Battlefront and Battlefield 2) and i hated all the new Clans that joined a league and were bad. Not because i hate bad players or noobs in general but because the matches were no fun. They got destroyed 3:0 on 3 Maps and we learned nothing same with them.
I want to improve and want challenges.
When our clan joined the ESL Star Wars Battlefront EU League we got destroyed most of the time with 3:1 or 2:0 but then get better and better. The thing about those games are that you only have to improve you Teamplay and you aim and you are mostly get better but to do this in WoW you have to farm Equip, Flasks, Pots, Enchantments and so on but then you will meet random groups and will destroy them without learning something.

No because there are no Rated BGs so 80% of the games will be boring as hell.

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Loch modan
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EU Razorgore
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5 years ago (Beta)
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To add to that: Facing twinks will heavily repel people from playing pvp. I loved doing WSG in the 10-19 bracket when I started playing. Even at a lower level when I got rekt by average level 18 chars. If anything it motivated me to grind more levels so I could better compete. But with time I learned about pvp twinks and even as a decently geared level 19 char I couldnt even scratch them. Eventually it took all the joy out. You knew what faction would win before the match even started.

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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5 years ago (Beta)
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I like the idea of twinks (even if I never made one) and if they are scarce (like 1-2 per bgs) they also add some spice to it (like they were the final boss of the BG :D). But if they are too many it becomes a problem because no one can face them and people in the end don't join in BGs anymore

Ish-ne-alo por-ah (May the days ahead be guided by the elders of long ago)

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5 years ago (Beta)
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Twinking never truly died.

Twink Cup '19 starting up on

However, yes, twinks will become more popular again with Classic.

Warrior Fury
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5 years ago (Beta)
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Twinks will become more and more popular as your server ages in phases. People will have more and more free time and gold, as they will start to raid log, and boredom during the final portions of each phase will increase the amount of twinks.

In summary, there wont be many to start. They will increase as time goes on. During the final phases, low bracket PvP will be unplayable unless you are twinking.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
Warrior Protection
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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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Stfuppercut wrote:
5 years ago
In summary, there wont be many to start. They will increase as time goes on. During the final phases, low bracket PvP will be unplayable unless you are twinking.
Pretty much. I'm really looking forward to having the luxury of a twink but I think that it being a luxury is very often overlooked. On retail BfA making a twink is very easy - gear is easily accessible and XP can be locked.

In vanilla there's no XP lock - so getting your guy to level 19, 29 or whatever requires a great deal of caution so that you don't overshoot the mark. Then there's the case of finding the non-AH-purchasable gear in time in dungeon groups before your XP does get dangerously high.

After that? You need bags of gold.

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5 years ago (Beta)
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Yeah I'm twinking again for sure. Really fun when you're in the end or middle of a raidtier and want to do something different and build something completely different with your class that only works at lower levels.

Blasted Lands
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5 years ago (Beta)
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teebling wrote:
5 years ago
In vanilla there's no XP lock - so getting your guy to level 19, 29 or whatever requires a great deal of caution so that you don't overshoot the mark. Then there's the case of finding the non-AH-purchasable gear in time in dungeon groups before your XP does get dangerously high.
This has never REALLY been a problem, considering you gain next to no xp gearing up in dungeons while only being present on the boss kill for the loot.. Its a lot worse with getting quest items :mrgreen:

EU - Firemaw
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