Tirisfal Glades
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Samaraner wrote:
5 years ago
If someone made a gearscore addon that is not based on ilvl but rather a predetermined class specific ranking, I dont see why that wouldnt work. Like every notable item gets a score from 1-10 and the average score of your gear equals your gearscore. Maybe with some weighting towards more important slots and other slight adjustments. You would still be left with oddities like resistance gear which can range from bis to useless depending on the encounter... but overall such an addon would certainly work in theory.
And to be honest, I would like an addon that rates gear. I wouldnt want it to rate players - but for a classic scrub like me seeing whats good and what isnt without intensive research would be a blessing.
I get where you are coming from, you want to use that AddOn so you can judge the gear and see if it is an upgrade or not, but that AddOn could be used to judge players based on their gear score. (getting gear is really hard and there is a greater luck factor going on in vanilla)

So lets say there is a good player but had a bad luck in the beginning, he didn't get the gear from first couple of dungeons and obviously he needs to do dungeons to get the gear. But what gear score does in this situation is, it forces the first lucky people together to form an "elite" grouping and then the good player who was a bit unlucky is kinda left in this limbo where he can't get into groups. Like; "let's get a dps but choose people with high gear score so we don't wipe and-or so he already has that gear that i want so if it drops, its mine.

But if the whole GearScore system wasn't there to begin with, everybody has a chance to get into groups and you can judge players by their skill in the game rather than the gear they have on them which is half out of their control to begin with. And one of the big aspects of Vanilla WoW was that the people you can group up with was limited by the servers so everyone has an identity in the server, unlike where everyone is anonymous at retail. Have you noticed how people are actually nice towards their guildies but treat random anonymous that they get matched with really bad.

What i am saying is, when we have our own identities in a server, people are going to be behaving much better and you can actually remember people that you grouped up with and say "yeah i know that guy, he is good! or Yeah he wasn't that good last time" so i believe that eliminates the need of a gear score AddOn.

Sorry for the long post.

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EU Firemaw
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Your server is a small world, if you tank alot and your a good tank, you are going to be known as a good tank, no stupid gearscore or raid data add-on will outrank what people actually know. What a load of shit these add-ons are.

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Tirisfal Glades
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Cereal wrote:
5 years ago
Your server is a small world, if you tank alot and your a good tank, you are going to be known as a good tank, no stupid gearscore or raid data add-on will outrank what people actually know. What a load of shit these add-ons are.
I agree, but i was there when the very first Gear Score AddOn was created and being used. This was before the iLvL implementation and it really had a big impact on the social aspect of the gameplay. Hopefully Blizz will figure something out to eliminate these AddOns.

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I have no idea what dungeon.io is, that site doesn't seem to work.

These sort of addons were available on private servers. Gearscore was just kind of a curiosity; it was impossible to take it seriously because you can't determine how good a player is by adding up the ilevel of her gear. My Warrior was raiding with level 20 bracers because it was one of the highest +Defense items in the game.

Same sort of thing with an addon that tries to determine how good you are at dungeons. It's irrelevant because in classic there are better markers of how good of a player you are, such as server reputation, the guild you're in, and your visible gear.

People are freaking out about the "LFG Addon" used on private servers (vQueue) because they don't know anything about it. It has nothing to do with retail LFG. vQueue just organizes information pertaining to people looking for a group and groups looking for more players to make it easier to facilitate communication. I'm sure that addon will be returning for Classic and you'll want to use it to reduce time looking for groups. It obviously can't instantly teleport you to dungeons or anything like that.

It's unnecessary for Blizzard to "break" any of this stuff.

I would like an Armory for Classic. It makes it easier to track guild progression, plan loot drops, etc. You can't really blame Armory if someone doesn't want to invite you to a group because you're undergeared. They can check that anyways with in-game inspect.

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OC Arugal
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god reading this thread makes me glad that achievements won't be in classic, brings back memories of when i last played retail in like 2013/2014 and every single fucking raid wanted you to have already gotten AotC

Rogue Assassination
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If anyone ironically asks me for a C.IO score I'll Blacklist them from everything I do.

Don't get me wrong, using an AddOn that puts a score how fast you can do things is cool for competing but if you do it just to invite people you're a tool. Some of the most fun you can have is inviting random people to a dungeon and seeing what type of player they are, hell even not kicking them when they are the worst player on the planet because you cba a 30min re-find time has its own rewards.

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OC Yojamba
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The best is bringing a random scrub in, and them actually improving as a player from feedback and watching others play through the dungeon. That's how people get better, by learning, not by being left out.

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EU Wyrmthalak
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I hope Blizzard wont allow this addon. I wont be using it and im not going to be grouping with partys that require them.

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It better not..

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I think there will be a enough resistance from the bulk of the playerbase that it just won't gain much traction (in most cases). I am hoping that the long term player base are in it for the right reasons. It may be hopeful, but it's good to be optimistic every now and then. :wink:

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FrostSTeeL wrote:
5 years ago
Yea, this and i believe they did a LFG type of addon too.. It is so sad if they actually work, because in a really quick manner things could turn into;
Best LFG thing ever: /join World If everyone will join a world chat channel, problem solved.

I will NOT be using any addons that are more than cosmetic. No questhelpers, no gatherer, nada.

I "might" be tempted to find a "sell junk" addon that would sell my grays in one click, but that would be it.

The person above who said LFG and GEARSCORE were just fucking toxic had it right.

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I trust Blizz that they will do something against such addons!

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Personally I think Raider.IO is the "living" reminder why many of us prefer Classic over current WoW.

Not because people in Classic don't try to get the best possible raid/group together; "come to Org for inspection please" :confused:

But because it actually gives people a "legitimate" reason to decline you without interaction.

Rinku < the Druid > - For the HORDE - Gehennas, EU
Druid Feral
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JollyResolve6 wrote:
4 years ago
I've pretty competitive when it comes to gaming, so I like having objective metrics to measure my performance against my friends and guildmates.
If this were all Raider.io did, you would not see so much hate for it, but unfortunately it comes with a rather understandable change in player interaction.
Realmplayers provides metrics for the pserver community, too.

The difference is the player mindset: rarely have I heard of people basing their invites on metrics from Realmplayers.

Rinku < the Druid > - For the HORDE - Gehennas, EU
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Actually Raider.io is there because Blizzard provides API to get all the info about mythic runs. I hope Blizzard will never add such API to Classic because it will be matter of days when such an addon (or website) will appear and corrupt the community.

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US Thunderfury
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IMHO this is one of the worst things to come out of modern WoW and fosters a completely toxic and elitist mentality. I sincerely hope that it gets broken or people ignore it. Raider.io is so bad I'd rather have Gearscore. It's probably the most toxic thing I've ever seen to ever come out of the game. Personally, if it stays, I plan to use it to filter out people who I don't want to associate with at all.

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JollyResolve6 wrote:
4 years ago
I thought that was all it did?
Edited my last post, was confusing, I agree. Also:

The Realmplayers addon, back when I used it (2015), only sent data to a webservice, it was completely invisible, simply collecting data and sending it when you logged out. You could then observe and compare metrics on a website.

The seemingly small difference is: Raider.io is easier to access since you can also see a limited amount of data in the game via the addon.

I don't think you will hear anyone complain about easily accessible metrics, since many players like the competition.

The problem is this: players can now legitimize lazy decisions (invite/decline), that's where - imo - complaints are valid.

Rinku < the Druid > - For the HORDE - Gehennas, EU