Warrior Fury
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What's everyone's fave vanilla quest/quest chain?

Have to say for me, the Tirion Fordring chain in Eastern PL

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I always loved the Buzzbox quest chain. It's probably just nostalgia, as the quest isn't that special, but I always remember of it as being my favorite thing to do when reaching Darkshore.

Tirisfal Glades
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My favorite quest begins here https://www.wowhead.com/quest=2801/a-tale-of-sorrow and ends with https://www.wowhead.com/quest=25701/you ... likh-demon. This quest line has since been simplified but in it's glory it was one of the longest (both in chains and distance) I had ever done. It is essentially 4 chain quests that take you all over Azeroth and was my introduction to demon hunters and all of that backstory prior to BC. I can't wait to do it again.

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Cletus wrote:
5 years ago
My favorite quest begins here https://www.wowhead.com/quest=2801/a-tale-of-sorrow and ends with https://www.wowhead.com/quest=25701/you ... likh-demon. This quest line has since been simplified but in it's glory it was one of the longest (both in chains and distance) I had ever done. It is essentially 4 chain quests that take you all over Azeroth and was my introduction to demon hunters and all of that backstory prior to BC. I can't wait to do it again.
Yeah the Rakhlikh line is super cool.

My personal favorite is the Tirion Fordring quest line. Lots of lore, lots of danger, and lots of chances to do cool stuff with your class vs. some elite mobs.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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The three mechanical chicken quests in Feralas/Tanaris/Hinterlands. It was a bitch to finish them, but when you did, that felt awesome, especially that it was somewhat of a world quest chain, plus you got a sweet pet for it.

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EU Firemaw
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I also like the Tirion/Taelan questline the most. And even though the ally Onyxia quest is a pita to do, the SW part feels incredible rewarding, really love that part.

The Barrens
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I'll always love the Myzrael chain, starting from the Crystal in the mountains quest. Always remember being young, and getting betrayed by Myzrael. "Really, you big bitch?!"

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US Fairbanks
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Probably https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27390/the ... arrowshire questline which, if I remember right, started with https://classic.wowhead.com/npc=10927/marlene-redpath in the Western Plaguelands. Playing through Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne, you go all around Lorderon as everything unfolds, but when you come back to those zones in WoW and do quests like these, it gives you a lot more detailed insight as to what else was going on and really builds the lore.

   Gensei teebling saltyshanker fendor
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It has to be the https://www.wowhead.com/quest=2969/free ... -creatures quest chain, the one that rewards you with a https://www.wowhead.com/npc=9662/sprite ... -hatchling pet after a fun, globe spanning quest chain.

This was probably the quest that really kicked off my love of pet collecting.

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There are a few: https://www.wowhead.com/quest=27390/the ... arrowshire definitely, "In Dreams" being tied with darrowshire (the Tirion Fordring questline staring in EPL). But https://classic.wowhead.com/item=21175/ ... ting-sands will never be beaten.

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https://www.wowhead.com/quest=225/the-weathered-grave Morgan Ladimore's story. You recieve a Book witht the tale:. In the end, you finally put the knight to rest.

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My Alliance pals will get it. Amazing intro to the game if you actually read the quest text


Vikernes - Human Warlock - Arugal
Warrior Fury
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Toastea wrote:
5 years ago
My Alliance pals will get it. Amazing intro to the game if you actually read the quest text

Literal chills coolcoolcoolcool no doubt

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bunkbed209 wrote:
5 years ago
Toastea wrote:
5 years ago
My Alliance pals will get it. Amazing intro to the game if you actually read the quest text

Literal chills coolcoolcoolcool no doubt
Kings honor, friend


Vikernes - Human Warlock - Arugal
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I've brought it up in a few threads, but I remember finding out about the Linkin legend of zelda reference quests in Un'Goro then excitedly jumping on to see if I could find them. You also got a cool boomerang!

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4 years ago (Beta)
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I can't remember my favorite quest chain :cry: , but I'd like to give a shoutout to Maximillian of Northshire in Un'Goro crater (added in patch 4.0.3) Probably the most comedic questline and NPC in the game.

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4 years ago (Beta)
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The Silithus gate-opening, all of it. Just amazing, love it.

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Tirisfal Glades
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OC Arugal
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I'm fascinated by the simplicity and the underlying tone of despair in the forsaken starter zone quests. So much so that those quests alone it inspired me to start my leveling blog.

  • The whole forsaken starter zone is "us vs. the world". They are unfortunate (ex-)humans who were turned, but got "lucky" and broke away the will of the Lich King.
  • They are trying to make sense of a world that just seems to hate them. The scourge sees them as "not really actually undead" and slaughter them. The living also hates them. The Scarlet Crusade actively hunts them.
  • The Agamand Family quest line really lays out the drama; many of the turned / lost during the agamand mills invasion is actually due to one guy (Devlin) who makes a secret agreement with the scourge lords and literally opens the gates for the scourge to slaughter everyone, betraying his entire family.
  • When learning the fate of her old lover (who also died during the agamand hills slaughter) Yvette Farthing recalls the "good old times" for a glimpse, but quickly accepts the fact that those days are never returning anymore.
You can say that the Forsaken have actually one of the most pragmagic worldviews of any race; get get dealt a shitty hand, and now they have to deal with it. They don't really have much emotion left anymore; they don't love or recall good memories, they don't even grief. They are just full of hatred and yearn for revenge.

   Selexin Krunk morbidmike
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I played as a Hunter in Vanilla and will do it again.
The quest chain to obtain Rhok’delar is just amazing and requires a ton of preparation. It’s also really hard to complete, especially when you will most likely not be that well geared.

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4 years ago (Beta)
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What was the one that started with the abandoned boat in Un'goro? Yea, that one!

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4 years ago (Beta)
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Man if I could only remember, there were many I enjoyed. Gonna love doing them over again fresh from the start so I can remember.

Priest Holy
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EU Wyrmthalak
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I have always liked some of the quests in Duskwood, The legend of Stalvan, Morbent Fel and Mor'Ladin, i like the atmosphere and the spookyness of the area.

Warlock Affliction
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US Kirtonos
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4 years ago (Beta)
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Gallow wrote:
4 years ago
  • The whole forsaken starter zone is "us vs. the world". They are unfortunate (ex-)humans who were turned, but got "lucky" and broke away the will of the Lich King.
  • They are trying to make sense of a world that just seems to hate them. The scourge sees them as "not really actually undead" and slaughter them. The living also hates them. The Scarlet Crusade actively hunts them.
  • The Agamand Family quest line really lays out the drama; many of the turned / lost during the agamand mills invasion is actually due to one guy (Devlin) who makes a secret agreement with the scourge lords and literally opens the gates for the scourge to slaughter everyone, betraying his entire family.
  • When learning the fate of her old lover (who also died during the agamand hills slaughter) Yvette Farthing recalls the "good old times" for a glimpse, but quickly accepts the fact that those days are never returning anymore.
Everything this guy said and I mean all of it!
But also the Tier 0.5 quest chain was really fun and long!

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4 years ago (Beta)
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Jail Break!
If you want to do Onyxia you gotta do this chain quest.
The escort itself is a pain the arse but the other parts of it are fun.

| Kazumi[33] - Frost Mage, Wetpaint[49] - Prot Warrior | Golemagg PVP|