Tirisfal Glades
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I know this is the classic forum but....
Mark today as the day/week that PvP as died (or been killed) in WoW. This week's "PvP" event puts you against an AI enemy in Arathi Basin. It counts for honor and conquest (the two things that were the beginning of the end for PvP). This is not PvP quite literally.

I could write more about this but it's not really relevant to vanilla or classic other than the fact that this is like receiving news that someone in your family has died that you used to love but grew to despise.

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I'm totally out of the loop here, are you referring to announcement for retail WoW changes to AB? Also, if you remember the entire point of AV is killing an AI enemy in classic. While I agree AB shouldn't be about PvE elements, I am guessing they are trying to spice up what is probably a pretty dead BG in retail.

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Selexin wrote:
5 years ago
I'm totally out of the loop here, are you referring to announcement for retail WoW changes to AB? Also, if you remember the entire point of AV is killing an AI enemy in classic. While I agree AB shouldn't be about PvE elements, I am guessing they are trying to spice up what is probably a pretty dead BG in retail.
Yes but in this case the opposing players are AI instead of just an end boss. Old AV may have had an NPC at the end but I spent enough time in the old AV to rack up 1000 HK's at least twice against other players. And yes, it is likely a dead BG but this puts it all the way in it's grave lol

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Cletus wrote:
5 years ago
Selexin wrote:
5 years ago
I'm totally out of the loop here, are you referring to announcement for retail WoW changes to AB? Also, if you remember the entire point of AV is killing an AI enemy in classic. While I agree AB shouldn't be about PvE elements, I am guessing they are trying to spice up what is probably a pretty dead BG in retail.
Yes but in this case the opposing players are AI instead of just an end boss. Old AV may have had an NPC at the end but I spent enough time in the old AV to rack up 1000 HK's at least twice against other players. And yes, it is likely a dead BG but this puts it all the way in it's grave lol
All enemies are AI? This is hilarious....

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Selexin wrote:
5 years ago

All enemies are AI? This is hilarious....

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Druid Restoration
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OC Yojamba
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 Blizzard Entertainment
Comp Stomp is this week's PvP Brawl. This a great opportunity to explore the Remastered Arathi Basin map, without having to deal with PvP. The enemy team will be composed of AI NPCs.
Bahahah! Let me repeat that for everyone:
 Blizzard Entertainment
explore the Remastered Arathi Basin map, without having to deal with PvP.
That's GOLD Jerry!

   teebling centurion Alnir rijndael Cletus
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Yeah, this is ridiculous, but since I don't play current WoW, I honestly don't give a shit. We'll have our own PvP filled Arathi to concern ourselves with.

   teebling Araghast Alnir Iolden rijndael Cletus
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<Pertento> [EU-PvP]

Warsong Gulch
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Amazing. Retail train is really full-speed going somewhere. Have no idea where though. Hope at least the developers know that. :smile:

By the way, anyone is aware of the reason for this initiative? And one more question just out of curiosity - you get PvP rewards for completing such matches, right?

With regard to AV being half AI battleground, I've never looked at it as somehow non PvP activity. Guarding your general is the same as guarding the flag - a simple object of interest, having no impact to ongoing PvP fighting.

- anno 2005.
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EU Firemaw
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Simply disgusting

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf
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EU Firemaw
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To be fair, this would probably be as grave as you make it sound if people actually played AB and cared about PvP in general. It's very hard to care when the rewards are garbage RNG gear or cosmetics.

Hunter Beast Mastery
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I get why they would try to get people to try out the new AB map, but honestly, wtf lmao. What's the point of AB if it is not to PvP? Do they want to reconvert it to a PvE event/thing? Idk man, shit's weird, but I couldn't care less lmao

Shaman Restoration
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What bothers me the most is that BFA has so many good aspects, it could have easily been an enjoyable expansion. But somehow Blizzard keeps adding features no one ever asked for. I mean, they even take the effort to remaster AB and the first thing they think of is this?

Tirisfal Glades
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Wow, I can't say I regret leaving retail last year. Big oof.

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EU Dreadmist
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Retail is in a terrible state.

That being said, it still holds my attention more than most games, if only for an hour or so at a time.

I think I just have trouble letting go of all the time invested over the years. :sad:

   Alnir Dolamite
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I didn't even know that Arathi Basin was getting a remake.

But yes, I do think it's quite bad that people can see everything with no "resistance" whatsoever, with "resistance" being having to actually participate in real PvP to explore and feel the new map.

I do feel the same with LFR.

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Elwynn Forest
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What even is retail

Tirisfal Glades
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Relik wrote:
5 years ago
Retail is in a terrible state.

That being said, it still holds my attention more than most games, if only for an hour or so at a time.

I think I just have trouble letting go of all the time invested over the years. :sad:
I know what you mean. I feel the same way. I'm by no means playing at the level I once was, but I'm still just cruising around randomly doing whatever catches my focus. Currently it's the brawler guild.

I tried the AB-PV(E)P and it was an overall steamroll, but the 1v1 or 1v2+ combat was energetic. The AI actually plays to kill. They're just dumb overall and lose sight of the objectives.

(Must be modeled after us haha, #roadfightswin)

I dont have any other video games that I play besides WoW. I uninstalled Overwatch and Diablo to open up space on my laptop's SSD. So I'm not going to boycott anything, I'm just going to keep doing what I've been doing since 2004; level toons for the hell of it and do random shit in Azeroth.

It's either that or I learn Fortnite to PWN noobs with my 10 and 11 year olds...... ◉_◉

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RIP retail WoW
fgm ;)

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I quit near the end of WotLK and can't even wrap my head around what retail must be like nowadays. Fighting NPCs in Arathi would be a solid candidate for one of Blizzard's April Fool's announcements.

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EU Shazzrah
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Who would like to play PvP with AI's ? lmao
Just another awful decision to kill even further the game.

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Tirisfal Glades
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I dont think the "comp stomp" is a permanent thing. I remember them unveiling it at Blizzcon and saying it was to "try some things."

It's currently listed as a Brawl.

*Not defending the current state of retail. Just bringing some info to the discussion. *

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US Blaumeux
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If it's just a temporary bonus alternate game mode, I don't see the problem. It's just them trying something new. Did they delete PvP Arathi Basin too? If not, then it's just something extra to test out their enemy AI. So it grants honor; that can be a fault. That's a good discussion to have. But claiming it's the death of PvP, or the killing the game?

Look, I get it: We love Vanilla WoW more than BFA. That's why we're gathered here. But let's at least be genuine and be honest with ourselves: is that criticism or is that spite? To me, that sort of mocking rings hollow. It's fine to point out a game's flaws, but it's another thing entirely to get stuck in a game-bashing echo chamber. We're better than that.

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EU Dreadmist
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I played 3 games last night to see what it was like.

Honestly, it's not bad. The AI is smarter than I expected and they actually put up a fight.

We won every game with 4 or 5 bases though, it's not exactly a steamroll but I don't really see how you could lose.

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EU Firemaw
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World of AI-fronts...

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf
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