Hunter Marksman
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I'm still torn between playing a Human Mage or a Night Elf Hunter. Would someone be willing to explain to me which professions I should pick, and why I should pick them? I will be playing on a PvP server.

Also, which professions will you have, and why?

Many thanks in advance!

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I plan on rolling dwarf priest for the upcoming re-release of retail WoW Classic and play as a Holy main.

The way I see it there are several combinations to choose from as far as professions are concerned:

- Herbalism + Skinning, dropping Skinning in favor of Alchemy at lvl 60 so I can craft my own consumables.
- Herbalism + Skinning, dropping skinning in favor or Tailoring at levle 60 so I can craft whatever pre-bis items there are for priest (chest+ ?).

- Herablism/Skinning + Tailoring right from the start, possibly dropping Skinning at 60 in favor of Herbalism, allowing me to farm my own ingredients for potions rather than having to buy them on the AH. Tailoring from the start would allow me to craft bags for me and my buds, and possibly the odd piece of armor during leveling.

- Herbalism + Alchemy right from the start, which would allow me to level Alchemy right away but would probably also require spending a lot of time farming herbs rather than killing mobs or questing; but, I would not have to store hundreds of stacks of herbs in my bank/on a bank char, requiring me to spend lots of gold on additional bags, bank slots and mail fees.

Now, the reason why I am still undecided is largely due to not knowing just how useful/relevant Tailoring is going to be for a Holy priest in the long run.
Assuming there are only very few pieces of armor that are worth crafting (such as the T2-equivalent chest piece), it would probably make more sense not to take Tailoring, farm the mats for the recipes myself and simply have someone from the guild craft it for me, as long as there are no relevant bops that I would miss out on.

What are your thoughts on this ? How would you decide for yourselves, and why ?

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Why no gnome mage ? +5% int rocks!

regardless, the most common thing to do is probably taking two gathering professions for leveling (usually skinning + herbalism) so you can sell whatever you don't need at the vendor (maybe AH if the economy permits it) for some extra profit, and then switching one gathering professions with a craftig profession.

However, you can also simply stick with two gathering professions; crafting professions, first and foremost, require an immense amount of time and upfront gold investment to get going, as well as even more time spent grinding for all those rare recipes. Put differently, a crafting professions is only going to save you/earn you any gold if you fully commit to it, manage to stay ahead of the curve regarding other crafters, and if the particular profession is actually relevant to your class (i.e. crafting pre-bis items, late-game epics).

With that being said, I cannot really recommend any particular professions combination to you other than gathering profs, as choosing one will highly depend on you personally as a player and not so much on your choice of class/race.

Edit: seeing as you plan on playing on a pvp server and will probably be spending most of your time in bgs, I recommend taking engineering, either right from the start of you are willing to sacrifice some of your leveling speed in order to keep your engineering skill at a relevant level, or simply opting into it a 60, combining it with mining so you can farm at least a decent portion of the mats you are going to need to level all the way to 300.
Why ? Because Engineering, especially for a pvp hunter, has many highly relevant recipes, such as scopes, special ammo, bombs, sappers...; it will, however, not generate you any real profit in terms of gold...

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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Hey Yori, welcome to BC :)

If I were you I’d go for the first option (Start with Herbalism/Skinning and then drop Skinning for Alchemy late game) or the third option (Herbalism + Alchemy from the start).

1st option - Stack up Herbs for late game levelling of Alchemy and vendor/AH skins for Gold to go towards your mounts. You’ll ‘waste’ less time collecting these resources whilst levelling (which are not out of your way to collect anyway), get a mount quicker meaning faster 60 time, and then like you say be able to make your own consumables for raiding late game when you do eventually pick up Alchemy. Remember to level crafting profs you still need to make regular trips to cities for resources, trainups, actually crafting too.

3rd option - Whilst levelling, Alchemy will be of really great use to you. The potions you make will be useful at every stage and you won’t really ‘out-level’ their use like you might do with Tailoring recipes which will frequently be replaced by quest/dungeon items. Tbh I like this option the most.

Tailoring is good for bags sure but otherwise you can source other pre-BiS items and won’t need to rely on a proff for them. You can always buy any nice cloth armor off AH anyway.

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teebling wrote:
5 years ago

3rd option - Whilst levelling, Alchemy will be of really great use to you. The potions you make will be useful at every stage and you won’t really ‘out-level’ their use like you might do with Tailoring recipes which will frequently be replaced by quest/dungeon items. Tbh I like this option the most.

I had completely forgotten just how many, actually useful Alchemy recipes there were for leveling in vanilla; that definitely seems like a point to consider!

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Merged the two topics as they were very similar in scope/posted at same time.

Yeah that’s the thing man - I think personally that crafting profs are for those players who will really enjoy the levelling journey and will love the self sufficient playstyle and the satisfaction of wearing their own gear. If you want to hop it quicktime to endgame or make collecting gold a priority then gathering profs work well at the start anyway. Enchanting too - your gear is changing often as you level. With Alchemy that doesn’t matter since a potion or flask/elixir is useful regardless of what you are wearing. Swiftness, Invisibility, Wizard Oil, these are all great throughout the game.

One thing I’m also bearing in mind however is that it seems that everyone discussing the game right now is going to take Skinning for ease. Whilst this won’t affect vendor prices, I think that the skins market will be fucked for a while after launch. A smart LWer would take advantage of this massive competition of supply and keep their other prof slot free whilst they buy up skins for next to nothing :smile:

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Just looked through a comprehensive pre-bis/bis list for holy priest; it would seem that Tailoring is only worth it for the Truefaith Vestment (which indeed is worth it, and is BoP); so I guess learn Tailoring -> craft robe -> ditch Tailoring for something else ?

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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Seems like a lot of work for one robe IMO @Yori - there must be a good BoE or dungeon alternative which you could use?

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Well, that robe is as good as the T2 robe, so you are gonna be weaing it for 6 months+, if not even longer.

Alternatives, only one really pre-raid:
not much worse, that extrac spirit and int is nice, but no mp5 ;(

still torn on this ;/

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EU Firemaw
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Again this is about minmaxing your gear but I feel like it is not neccessary to do that. You can go with robe from Stratholme well enough. The difference is kinda small imo. I might go for the robe for its looks though :wink: You can ask yourself how much it would that affect your gameplay and efficiency. Then you got your answer.

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf
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Faendor wrote:
5 years ago
Again this is about minmaxing your gear but I feel like it is not neccessary to do that. You can go with robe from Stratholme well enough. The difference is kinda small imo. I might go for the robe for its looks though :wink: You can ask yourself how much it would that affect your gameplay and efficiency. Then you got your answer.
Well, seeing as I am going to be playing retail Vanilla only one more time, I guess getting the most out of it kind of makes it worth getting the robe ;// T.T

Just not sure how to go about it:

go Herb + Skinning during leveling for faster gold and mount and then grind gold or mats at 60 for tailoring / consume whatever gold I got left from skinning

or go Herb + Tailoring right away...would save some bank slots, buying bags, and inventory space since I could use everthing I find right away, but seeing as I would not be making any additional gold from not having skinning I would probably incur a loss in comparison.

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Then I would go either Herb/Skinning or Tailoring/Skinning from the start and reroll at 60. I find Skinning very useful for that early gold for mount.

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf
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Faendor wrote:
5 years ago
Then I would go either Herb/Skinning or Tailoring/Skinning from the start and reroll at 60. I find Skinning very useful for that early gold for mount.
Hm, never thought about it that way...herbalism doesnt really make you that much money while leveling anyways; and skinning is too good to pass up for grinding exp and gold.

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EU Firemaw
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Yup, I would suggest Skinning/Tailoring and then whatever you find good for ya. I'll probably switch to Herb/Alchemy afterwards.

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf
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Funnily enough, that is pretty much what I did on Lightshope with my undead priest; just logged in after one year and realized I had a lvl 50 priest with skinning/tailoring with mount and ~100g. but then again, that was with a working economy. lests just hope the market wont be too scuffed at release.

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EU Shazzrah
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Skinning and Mining, to get gold early on.
At max level i might drop one of those for Engineering (because it's a must for PvP :D).

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Hunter Marksman
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Thank you all so much for the useful information, I'll be sure to refer back to this when Classic WoW is (finally) released.

Bring on Summer 2019! :biggrin:

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EU Gandling
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@slud I've been playing hunter on various private servers and I like to PVP. So here's what I did most of the times or my thought behind this route.

- While leveling go mining/skinning (save all the mats from mining, sell the leather).

- Once you are 60 go farm all the devilsaur leather you need for your set (this might be difficult on some servers).

- Replace skinning with engineering and spend your saved up mats to level it up (get the rest of your mats by mining).

- Once engineering is high enough, make all your tinkers and fill a whole bank character with Large Seaforium Charge.

- Now you can remove mining and get enchanting (for disenchanting mainly, but smart to level this up too).

- Keep a lookout for cheap Lesser Invisibility Potions on AH and buy all you can get your hands on.

- Start farming DM Tribute and profit.

Note: this is IF Dire Maul is out ofc, but it should still be useful since enchanting can be handy in maraudon too. And this won't work if blizzard nerfes these solo-farms.


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Skinning + mining or herbalism and then switch it for tailoring at 60 for that sweet Robe of the Archmage chest.. and bags, got to have bags.

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EU Firemaw
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If anyone plans to PvP then engineering should be considered as one of the primary professions.. I will personally go skinning and mining while leveling, skinning for selling leathers for mount, mining to support and gather mats for engineering.. Then at max level I will drop skinning for engineering :)

EU - Firemaw
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ShamelessEU wrote:
5 years ago
If anyone plans to PvP then engineering should be considered as one of the primary professions.. I will personally go skinning and mining while leveling, skinning for selling leathers for mount, mining to support and gather mats for engineering.. Then at max level I will drop skinning for engineering :)
Same here!

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Engineering and Mining for my Warlock(90% sure) main, ofcourse! Keeping up with professions while I'm leveling, for those superb looking goggles, throwy explody stuff, and trinkets. Just going at my own pace.

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