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I'm gonna roll a char to grind money, but I would also like to be able to solo lower level instances, i.e. SFK and BFD.

Which class would be better suited for this? A protection paladin, feral druid, affliction lock or (gasp) a BM hunter?

Basically I'm thinking protection paladin using SoJ, JoJ and retribution aura
Feral druid using regrowth, swipe and thorns
Affliction warlock using siphon life + other DoTs
BM hunter using a pet with AoE threat (gorilla or bird) with mend pet

Warlock might have trouble in SFK with all the shadow resist...

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Do you mean at lv60?

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Quaria wrote:
5 years ago
Do you mean at lv60?
Yes, I'm will level to 60 and use the char to grind and farm lower level dungeons for cloth and BoE blues.

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I can say this about warlock, they’re AOE capabilities are limited, but they can be really great against single target. For example with my lv60 warlock I soloed parts of DM:E and farmed demons in Darkwhisper Gorge (Eye of Shadow dropped yes).

Warlock Destruction
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EU Firemaw
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For AoE farming, there's just Mage. Warlocks can solo Mara princess runs, DM:N wolf farm, DM:E thrash. I know hunters can pull something similar, heard about some maraudon thrash farm that's quite good.

Dungeons aren't really the best gold / hour thing to do but they are the safest if you're playing on a very populated PvP realm.

Also Siphon life won't make you a tank or anything. Kiting everything and having a VW to sac in case shit hits the fan helps. Also the fact that you can convert health to mana and then bandage yourself back helps with mana management.

Warrior Protection
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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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Hey panda,

Jpy did a pretty in-depth guide on gold farming dungeons as a mage at level 60 here https://www.barrens.chat/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=880 I’ve also heard that hunters with engineering (to blast locked doors) can also do well at Dire Maul runs.

As for the low level dungeons you mentioned - at level 60 you could do it with any class but some would be quicker. I hope that https://classic.wowhead.com/item=1482/shadowfang drops for you in SFK! :smile:

Elwynn Forest
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Hunter obv. hunter get to reset a fight without wasting time, Increasing your runs/ph and allowing you to just skip useless mob packs. Plus DireMaul trib farm/ seamless farming in general.

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BM Hunter with Engineering and First Aid does well.

Druid Feral
EU Gehennas
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In addition to your question: Its ome of the respons to go feral.

Thorns, naglering &swipe in tank kit should do the trick.

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