Warrior Protection
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Hello! I need help!

I'm trying to make a plan for what I want my race to be for any class, any faction. I got a lot of new thoughts that cloud my previously quite clear decision. Especially on the warrior, I'm in doubt. If it helps, I plan on tanking and trying out this PvP bizz, but hey, still gotta get a DPS gear set.
Listin' the options:


  • Human - Diplomacy is whack and weapon skill is godlike, and I don't scoff at perception either. But, I'll already be looking at these guys on a Paladin and a Rogue, if I hypothetically (I won't) end up leveling everything.
  • Dwarf - So far the only sure Dwarf I have is Priest, and Stoneform can be handy, treasure finding less so since I'll most likely be a miner on my warrior for quite a while. You also get to be Gimli n shit, which I find pretty cool.
  • Gnome - Not going Gnome for my warrior
  • Night Elf - I've recently learnt about the glory of shadowmeld, and I wish to try it out. An elf warrior sounds cool too, and you get more dodge and Improved Death! \o/
  • Orc - Strong class fantasy, higher threat if I end up with an axe (not everyone getting a thunderfury...), and omg dat stun resist, stacking with Iron will... The only other certain orc I have is Warlock.
  • Undead - No
  • Tauren - Some say 5% HP matters little, something something your guild is bad if you drop that low, but I have had experiences on a BC server where these 5% health saved a wipe, and the harder I think about tanking the more I feel drawn to this choice. I do find their fighting animations a bit bland though...
  • Troll - Some want to try out berserking if that gives something threat wise. I don't think I want to try out berserking...
What thoughts do you have? Anything I missed? Feel free to ask if more info is needed.

Also please bear with me and my overplanning, I like to have a plan with my nerding, even if I don't get to enact it because I don't have 30 hours a day to play WoW...

Warrior Protection
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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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If you’re dabbling in PvP that passive stun resist (one quarter chance...) on Orc is chief as fuck so go that.

If you’re going to roll Dwarf likewise Stoneform is IMO the best alliance racial and will shine in tanking pve and pvp scenarios.

Btw you are really going to like the tool I am making that helps compare things like this side-by-side :)

Also don’t despair about playtime - this isn’t retail where constant balancing patches and new content are being thrown at you regularly. Just play what you can and when you come back you can just pick up from where you left and still be relevant!

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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Tauren is the coolest warrior. Discussion closed :-)

Ish-ne-alo por-ah (May the days ahead be guided by the elders of long ago)

Hydraxian Waterlords - RP - EU
  • Fendor - Tauren Shaman
  • Ildebrando - Dwarf Hunter
  • Osandiron - Dwarf Priest
Tirisfal Glades
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human sword skill or orc ax skill are both op for threat generation as a tank. tauren health bonus is op as well. Troll beserking if used well can also be great for threat. those are your best choices if you are going to tank, but you can tank anything with whatever race you want to play

Guildlead: Epoch of Thought | Vanilla Thunderfury Warrior | Maintank/Father/Husband/Disabled Vet
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Eastern Plaguelands
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US Faerlina
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For PvP, it really doesn’t matter.
It’s more important to make friends with a healer, particularly one that can Dispel you (Freedom is bae), and learn how to manage stance swapping.

Warrior Protection
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teebling wrote:
5 years ago
stun resist on Orc is chief as fuck so go that.
I think I might, if I end up on Horde. My first warrior was Orc and that was pretty great.

teebling wrote:
5 years ago
If you’re going to roll Dwarf likewise Stoneform is IMO the best alliance racial and will shine in tanking pve and pvp scenarios.
Is that so? You know, reading that sent me into a flurry of thoughts that made me, funnily enough, want Night Elf more. Argh! (Maybe a don'ttellmewhattodo effect?)

teebling wrote:
5 years ago
Btw you are really going to like the tool I am making that helps compare things like this side-by-side :)
I'm looking forward to it!

teebling wrote:
5 years ago
Also don’t despair about playtime
I know... more just wants more, you know? :razz:

Edensong wrote:
5 years ago
I am going to [...] kindly suggest that you pick the race you like looking at the most. Like you, I can be very analytic sometimes, almost to a fault. However, all the racials in the world won't matter if you can't identify with your character.
Here I went "but I can identify with all of them!", but then I thought, for a pretty long time now I've just named my characters variations of "Hogbobson", and I mean, that's fine, but I find that I get immersed when I start imagining whatever I'm playing as a real thing, thinking how they'd react under different circumstances, and that just doesn't happen with "Hoglockson, the Warlock". I think I'll rethink my naming scheme (into what I think fits the character I'm making), and try to let the fantasy flow a bit harder. Thank you. :smile: That still doesn't mean I'm not able to identify with, at least, most races. It also depends on the class, I mean, I can't identify with a dwarf rogue, but I can with a dwarf warrior, for instance.

Edensong wrote:
5 years ago
Maybe I'm oversimplifying things, but to me, the fact that Blizzard opened up Warriors to every race, would seem indicate that any race can be viable in either PvP or PvE.
I dunno, if I were to guess that has more to do with lore maybe?

Edensong wrote:
5 years ago
Sure one race may have a very slight upper hand in one area (such as the aforementioned 5% hp boost on Taurens for PvE), but I have found that a player's skill can more than compensate for such an advantage.
I wanna be, the very best, like noone ever waaas.

Edensong wrote:
5 years ago
Play what you like, and don't forget to have fun!

My $0.02 :biggrin:
I shall, thanks :D

fendor wrote:
5 years ago
Tauren is the coolest warrior. Discussion closed :-)
They ARE cool! And despite all the "omg orcs are cool and was my first warrior" etc., I might identify more with them at this point? Tauren are calm and I like that... (heh, do people CHANGE over 12 years? Impossibru!)

Lne wrote:
5 years ago
human sword skill or orc ax skill are both op for threat generation as a tank. tauren health bonus is op as well. Troll beserking if used well can also be great for threat. those are your best choices if you are going to tank, but you can tank anything with whatever race you want to play
If I /were/ to pick alliance warrior race only from racials, what would be the jack of all trades, PvE and PvP, tank and DPS? Human? Elf? Dwarf??? EVEN GNOME???? :eek:

Jpy wrote:
5 years ago
For PvP, it really doesn’t matter.
It’s more important to make friends with a healer, particularly one that can Dispel you (Freedom is bae), and learn how to manage stance swapping.
You know, I do wonder how many of my buddies will be returning to vanilla. I should ask them. Also, what is bae?

Warlock Destruction
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EU Firemaw
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I know this might sound a bit casual, but just roll with whatever class looks best to you. You're never, ever going to miss out on anything because of passives alone. I should probably go with Orc Warlock for PvP myself, but I'll probably be going Undead. If you can't beat someone without RNG stun resist, then you probably can't beat him/her with RNG stun resist either. Liking your character is way more important than passives, I know so many people who've quit midway through their 40s because they felt their characters were ugly or didn't like what they looked like - only for them to start an alt on the same class with a different race.

I'd go Tauren. 5% extra HP could be a lifesafer for a wipe, and I like being of help to others. They're also a bit rarer than Orcs.

Tirisfal Glades
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For alliance the clear choice for raid tanking or pve dps is Human warrior. Dwarf has racials that help pvp, but If i was going to make an alliance warrior human would be the only choice.

Guildlead: Epoch of Thought | Vanilla Thunderfury Warrior | Maintank/Father/Husband/Disabled Vet
Twitter:The_Lne Twitch: The_Lne Bnet: Lne#1326
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Warrior Protection
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EU Dreadmist
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Human warrior for the Sword/Mace skill (the easiest obtainable, and best weapons in game) and the reputation advantage is a huge boost aswell for the numberous rep-farms you gotta do in vanilla.

Orcs are great with axe skill and bloodfury but sadly there arent as many axes in endgame as swords and maces.

“Listen... Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.” – Dennis
Warrior Fury
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US Fairbanks
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4 years ago (Beta)
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This is some yummy necro. Advice is about 6 months too late.

g0bledyg00k wrote:
4 years ago
Never making a single investment again until I 100% know it pays off.
2000 IQ :wink:
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I decided to go Tauren Warrior as main tank for our guild. The HP bonus is a huge addition being a tank and can determine whether the raid wipes or not. Warstomp is also very handy for CC, Plus they have highest strength of all horde races and same stamina as Orcs. The Orc racials are more designed for Hunters and Warlocks.

Mooooo...... Are you happy now?
Shaman Enhancement
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4 years ago (Beta)
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I"m one of those people that thinks race matters too little to make a decision beyond aesthetic. Go use the model viewer and stuff like that.

WoW is one of the RPG's where race matters least compared to others. If it still means a lot to you to min/max, go ahead. But it's pretty marginal.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
Tirisfal Glades
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4 years ago (Beta)
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In the end, choose whatever makes you happy. However Orc is pretty damn stronk.

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4 years ago (Beta)
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My warrior will be a dwarf because all the characters on my account will be dwarves. Dwarves are the best race in World of Warcraft because they have the best beards.