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Uncle Ganus of Clan McAnus turns on
Alenya casts
Uncle Ganus of Clan McAnus casts
Alenya takes 512 holy damage take 577 holy damage dies
Uncle Ganus of Clan McAnus casts @@Alenya
Alenya takes 666 holy damage
Alenya dies

   Umbra teebling
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The thing bugging me the most about pservers is that stupid FRESH mentality. I hope that this won't carry over to Classic servers.

Hillsbrad Foothills
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Jynirax wrote:
6 years ago
It's also been said that if something is free you are the product. This applies to almost every private server out there. They don't charge you money to play but most of them sure skim off the top getting in league with gold sellers, account trading, in the case of old Elysium charging money to unban accounts. Other servers are up front with cash shops for in game items. Being able to pay a monthly fee to avoid all the garbage can't come soon enough.
THIS. ^^^
Hits the nail in the head.

Also, recent Blizzard updates have given me more confidence that Classic WoW is going to be a solid product.

Elwynn Forest
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I do wonder how Gold-selling company are preparing for classic release, middlemen are probably already budgeting to hire new farmers for release at home and abroad. Crawling through old forums to re-discover the best gold making schemes, liasing with private server farmers and mergers. With classics lack of a cash shop and influx of noob (to vanilla) players it could be more lucrative for them than retail.

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Ravenheart wrote:
6 years ago
Markone wrote:
6 years ago
You’re forgetting what people have to put up with on a private server:
  • Characters can be deleted at any time, forever
  • Ddos and unpredictability of server uptime
  • Corruption at GM level
  • Server shutdown by Blizz
Yes yes that's all good and well but private servers also offer some really cool stuff that Blizz might not match.

Custom content for example, or quick bug fixes and responses from the development team. That they do it all for free means they must love upkeeping these servers and surely the service they provide could in some cases be even better?
But servers with custom content are never played. The biggest and most populated servers are always those striving for being Blizzlike. Hell, there used to be a lot of x12 EXP or instant 60 servers because scripting for a lot of the game's quests was not there. And as soon as x1 exp, high quality servers came out, the old servers with augmented exp or levels became ghost towns. People want the blizzlike experience, and the high quality upkeep that comes with it.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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Stka wrote:
5 years ago
I do wonder how Gold-selling company are preparing for classic release, middlemen are probably already budgeting to hire new farmers for release at home and abroad. Crawling through old forums to re-discover the best gold making schemes, liasing with private server farmers and mergers. With classics lack of a cash shop and influx of noob (to vanilla) players it could be more lucrative for them than retail.
But Blizzard is probably a lot better at detecting those practices than either they used to or than the private servers are able to.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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Stka wrote:
5 years ago
(...) lack of a cash shop (...)
We'll see about that.
Hopefully Classic will be spared from any form of dubious monetization, but I'm honestly not so sure with today's Activision-Blizzard's greed policy.

Elwynn Forest
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Gensei wrote:
5 years ago
Stka wrote:
5 years ago
But Blizzard is probably a lot better at detecting those practices than either they used to or than the private servers are able to.
Yes but it is a constant arms-race, blizz get better at finding them, they get better at hiding, etc.

Synergy wrote:
5 years ago
Stka wrote:
5 years ago
(...) lack of a cash shop (...)
We'll see about that.
I don't think there will be a cash shop at launch, which is when the market for Gold will be highest. Once people are higher level it's easier to make your own or just not need it anymore. They will definitely try and sneak it in later, of that I have no doubt. Perhaps by lamenting the scourge of Goldselling and that a cash shop would help starve them out.

Warlock Destruction
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EU Firemaw
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On top of everything that's been said I'd like to add another thing - the right to complain about things.

I've always absolutely hated the attitude of "well, you're not paying anything so you have no right to complain" or stuff like "if you don't like it, you can just take your money back". You can't honestly expect me to be invested in a character like that if you're just going to tell me you're going to take no responsibility for anything that happens to it. With Blizzard, if I'm paying them 15$ a month I expect servers to be up all the time and I expect good customer service, and I have a right to complain if I'm not getting either of those.

Deadwind Pass
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As great as private servers in their ability to let us play the game, they are nowhere near perfect. They have exaggerated populations being the first and obvious one meaning that the true community aspect is not there. Its unlikely you will see the same people going from 1 - 60 and this is because the servers are filled with people from all regions. To combat this issue private servers use dynamic respawns meaning that there are more resources and they respawn faster than they should, this is done because vanilla WoW was not designed to host 10 -15K players in its world at once. Leveling professions and farming would be a nightmare without dynamic respawns let alone having enough quest mobs.

Another example of things just not working as they should is the defias in westfall. Every defias type spawn from the same place every respawn, when in reality the spawns should be randomised. I use this example because most people have quested in Westfall at some point but this issue is wide spread thought the game.

Warlock and Hunter pets, while functional are still bugged to all hell. Pathing has improved over the years leaps and bounds but its still not great. I am sure even the best players have done a run though Deadmines or RFD and pulled the whole instance and no one has known why.

Due to the increase of resources the economy can be a bit screwy at times.

As already mentioned, corruption is a huge issue on private servers. Some are worse than others, but there is not a major private server around now that has not had corruption at its highest levels. Some administrations are quicker at fixing the issue and are more transparent than others, but the fact is its something that has happened every time and will continue to happen.

All private servers run off the imperfect Mangos set up and while it can come very close it will still be an imitation at the end. AQ - Naxx is not going to be perfect and systems such as armour/armour pen are all done with calculated guesses. Certain abilities stack, that should not stack. World buffs should not be able to stack etc.


But even ignoring all the imperfections, even if when classic comes it allows private servers to make that leap to be absolutely perfect (which I dont believe can be done), you are still living with the fact that your character will most likely be deleted when Blizzard comes for your server, which I feel will happen a hell of a lot more come classic. That on top of the fact private server population is going to crash. The populations are already down across every server and that will only continue to fall and with one of the biggest servers promising to close shop when classic is here you will be left with scrub servers with no population.

The private server option will be the worst option without a doubt come classic's launch


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Nymis wrote:
5 years ago
On top of everything that's been said I'd like to add another thing - the right to complain about things.

I've always absolutely hated the attitude of "well, you're not paying anything so you have no right to complain" or stuff like "if you don't like it, you can just take your money back". You can't honestly expect me to be invested in a character like that if you're just going to tell me you're going to take no responsibility for anything that happens to it. With Blizzard, if I'm paying them 15$ a month I expect servers to be up all the time and I expect good customer service, and I have a right to complain if I'm not getting either of those.
This is a great point and I'll accompany it with my own: a stake in the game. Not only does paying for the game mean players have more meaningful voice, but also that, at least in my experience, players on retail have far more stake in the game and their character than on private servers. I mean it's been mentioned earlier that having a possible server shutdown looming overhead can harm your comfort and enjoyment on a private server, but it also limits the amount of investment of a lot of players.

You could ask lots of players from private servers, guilds can just collapse because people quit and abandon geared up characters all the time for either a new fresh server or just to stop playing altogether. No stake in the community. The most dangerous time of the year for guilds is November/December holidays because there's always a chunk of people who don't come back. With Classic, aside from any issues where people will moan about it not being quite the same as original vanilla (though I argue it's not attainable), aside from those issues, it is THE place to be. It will be the heart of the vanilla WoW playing community. You are incentivized to have a stake in it. And the stability of the service opens up many more players to have a stake in their characters and what happens to them.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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Toastea wrote:
5 years ago
your character will most likely be deleted when Blizzard comes for your server, which I feel will happen a hell of a lot more come classic.
Oh Jesus, absolutely. Blizz is gonna lay the smackdown on any pserver they can reach.

Eastern Plaguelands
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It’s also very likely that, legally, it’s going to be harder for vanilla private servers to exist. From what I understand, one of the main things saving private servers from consequences is that Blizzard doesn’t have active servers for that version of the game. Light’s Hope for example is closing when classic launches and they’re starting a TBC server.

Deadwind Pass
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Jpy wrote:
5 years ago
It’s also very likely that, legally, it’s going to be harder for vanilla private servers to exist. From what I understand, one of the main things saving private servers from consequences is that Blizzard doesn’t have active servers for that version of the game. Light’s Hope for example is closing when classic launches and they’re starting a TBC server.
I am no legal professional, but I tend to believe this is true. I have no way to back this up but it just makes sense to me

Vikernes - Human Warlock - Arugal
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It was always illegal, but there wasn't the will to enforce the copyright on the behalf of the rightful owners. The incentive to do so now will be huge. I think most pservers now are based in France where Blizzard has little sway however they have money and a legal team so I'm sure it's not beyond them.

Alterac Valley
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The main reasons why I would waive on the possibility of playing on a vanilla server once classic hits have already stated.

The uncertainty and security thing as well as the right to complain as a customer.

Another one I might add is that I choose my pserver stay to be temporary, that means playing a bit different: trying and experimenting more, don't grind big reputations like CC and don't leave guild to move up in game progress or don't commit that much to the PVE progression.

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For me there are 2 reasons.

- My characters will not get deleted (unless Blizzard stops Classic). I can make all characters in a range of multiple years and slowly but surely enjoy leveling them and playing with them. I am in the position in which I do not plan to play more games than Classic, so I would like to keep my character "till the end of time".

- I am prepared to pay subscription fee for a good service with clean management behind the game. I feel that I would enjoy the game more, if I can trust the gamemasters and developers are doing their job properly and without 3rd party interfering (gm boosting, gold sellers approving, etc).

Priest Holy
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Tol0th wrote:
6 years ago
...why not just stay on private servers? When Classic comes out will most of you move over to the official servers? Is there much of a point?

feel like blizz could be shooting themselves in the foot here.
There is no reason to stay on them. The majority of them will start losing players fast. I already have a group on a private server that is quitting as soon as classic comes out and I will do the same.

You can never be sure that server will stay around long term. So most don't want to waste that potential time.

Level 0 MC 0/10 BWL 0/8 ZG 0/10 AQ 0/6 0/9 Naxx 0/15
Level 0 MC 0/10 BWL 0/8 ZG 0/10 AQ 0/6 0/9 Naxx 0/15
Shaman Enhancement
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Jpy wrote:
5 years ago
It’s also very likely that, legally, it’s going to be harder for vanilla private servers to exist. From what I understand, one of the main things saving private servers from consequences is that Blizzard doesn’t have active servers for that version of the game. Light’s Hope for example is closing when classic launches and they’re starting a TBC server.
Which actually, if you think about it, is a really good thing and here's why:

TBC is typically the second-most popular version of the game private servers try to emulate, though there are big Wrath servers. I've played private servers since 2011 and the coding, organization, quality, and stability have all improved dramatically because more and more people were interested in playing. And it's from this experience that people got to experience the game in a fair to good level of quality and it's from here that the Classic movement got any steam. Without private server players, this whole thing is likely not happening.

But they helped set expectations and knowledge about the game across a number of former and potential players.

An influx of decent quality TBC servers innovating off of one another would help educate a lot of former and potential players in the same way, and would allow Blizzard to understand both the size of a potential TBC playerbase and their expectations.

Gensei - Shaman, Bloodsail Buccaneers
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Many people have mentioned security related reasons -- loss of characters, server shutdowns, etc., but something that is not as noticed, but I feel quite important to note is that the data on private servers are very inaccurate. Creature spawns, their event AI (simple mobs spells, etc.), spell proc rates, drops and the drop chance of those items are all mostly best guesses -- private servers never really had accurate data to build off of, especially vanilla. Some parts are scrapped from retail, but many are simply best attempts at replicated the data based on what is on the internet -- old forum posts, WoWHead comments, etc.

I think it'll be interesting to see how many people are surprised at how different Classic will really play. People already reported a few 'bugs' on the BlizzCon demo that were actual 1.12 functionality. So while many private servers try to replicate "blizzlike" experiences, the neat thing is that nothing will really be more blizzlike than the actual product they put out again, based on the data from the real game.

I'm just glad after 9 years of wanting classic realms I can pay to play them. I always preferred a real experience delivered from them, even with a subscription cost.

   teebling Umbra
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