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Scholomance, it's just so gorgeous when you stop to look at the doodads and all the other things populating it.

But I must say, by concept alone BRD is very, very cool.

Thunder Bluff
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I'll seem like a simpleton when I admit this, but that's okay.

I love Ragefire Chasm.

It's so simple, easy, and when you're a low level you meet new friends through these dungeons so it's a pretty nice networking dungeon off the beginning.

Next in line would have to be Shadowfang Keep because of all of the interesting bosses and the size of the dungeon is a pretty good run.

Nala - Feral Druid - Grobbulus
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I love every single one of them. Dire Maul and Maraudon are so beautiful and mysterious.

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Maraudon for me, I love its varying aesthetics, and that it's segmented into all these different parts which can be accessed through each other. Usually Maraudon runs can also end up being very long when no one has the scepter, so lots of great memories have been made in that dungeon.

Sunken Temple would be my runner up.

Shaman Enhancement
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BRD obviously, as many also chose. Needs no explanation.
Also really like Zul'Farrak. The theme and bosses were really fun. Have good memories of that place.
And Wailing Caverns is just a classic. I love how a group of 'noobs' with few skills run around that snake pit, collecting their first greens and occasional blue. Everything that drops there feels like such a big upgrade.

Rogue Subtlety
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Scarlet Monastery

   Stka Alnir
:ugeek: Think of a number between 1 and 10 :confused: . Multiply it by 9 and subtract 1 :smile: . Now close your eyes :mad: . It's dark isn't it? :cool:
Mage Frost
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US Sulfuras
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I'm a huge fan of Scholomance and BRD.

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I love Wailing Caverns, Shadowfang Keep, Sunken Temple and BRD. :)

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EU Firemaw
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s1atan wrote:
5 years ago
I love Wailing Caverns, Shadowfang Keep, Sunken Temple and BRD. :)
I personally agree with Sunken Temple and BRD :)

Faendur, the Creepy Dwarf
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EASY! Scarlet Monastery, for sure. I don't think I've ever felt more at home in a dungeon. I tend to main priest and the entire inquisition/catholic church aesthetic fits perfectly with my priestly fantasy. I remember spending hours trying to get that bloody tabard of the Scarlet Crusade. In addition, that room with the secret sliding door in the Crusader's Chapel blew my mind when I saw it for the very first time. Can't wait to get in there and experience it all over again. IMO, Whitemane's Chapeau is the definition of vanilla priestly aesthetic.

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Wailing caverns purely because it was my first ever dungeon experience back in vanilla. Sitting there at the skull-shaped entrance with all those dragon encased mob portraits. Filled me with a mix of awe, curiosity, and a sense of danger. Good times!

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US Fairbanks
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I enjoyed going through the city-like dungeons the most, I think. Gnomeregan, Dire Maul, BRD, and Stratholme.

The Scarab Gong looms ominously before you. Steel yourself, adventurer; for once the Scarab Gong is rung, the gates of Ahn'Qiraj will be opened.
From the slackened maw of the beast can only come chaos and destruction. Defend your people!
Hillsbrad Foothills
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Scarlet Monastery - it's got something for everybody, and prior to level 60 it's the only dungeon that I've always ran multiple times on virtually every character I've rolled.

Rogue Assassination
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US Westfall
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Deadmines. An absolute classic and hands down probably the most iconic dungeon of World of Warcraft. Everyone knows it! It was so neat crawling through this claustrophobic series of caverns and tunnels, fighting goblins, miners and mages to finally blast open this door to a huge pirate ship inside a massive open area filled with pirates and their parrots. Truely surreal and I don't think any other MMO has quite captured a similar experience and community aspect as that dungeon has.

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I'll narrow it down to my top three:

1) Stratholme - the environment in the burning city was just incredible. From the secret bosses, to the two sides to run,
to the raid portal to Naxx that never came to fruition, to the lore from WC3... this is my favorite dungeon.
2) Scholomance - another excellent environment and backstory nestled into a very challenging dungeon.
3) Black Rock Spire - this is a combined upper/lower dungeon. Crossing the last bridge to Drakkisath, looking down and seeing so many
different floors of Black Rock Spire has always impressed me.

Alterac Valley
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US Westfall
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All dungeons in Blackrock Mountain are extremely well designed, not lineair and have so much things to do.

For playing mainly alliance during vanilla and having many alts, the deadmines have a special place in my heart.

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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@Alnir I found some cool SM things for you :smile:

This is a very early concept of the map for SM:

And the final concept map:

   Herrington Alnir Fnonk Selexin Sanniey couchatron
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teebling wrote:
5 years ago
@Alnir I found some cool SM things for you :smile:
@teebling where did you find these! these are awesome :surprised: I could seriously print these out and make posters of out them! Love this thank you for sharing. Only makes me MORE excited to get in there again.

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EU Hydraxian Waterlords
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Check it out:

The gallery has like every single piece of official concept art and renders etc. for wow classic.

Tirisfal Glades
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SFK because of the cool area that it is in. SM because it's where I started getting gear that made me feel stronger.

Our time will come.
Tirisfal Glades
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I loved Scholo. Ran it countless times with my fury warrior friend - Belusterk. It was just a well put together environment and I dug it.

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OC Yojamba
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BRD, Strat, WC. I probably did those 3 more than any (except maybe SM Armory) and I still enjoy them.

Gnomer is hella long/grindy but I have some fantastic memories from there.

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US Bigglesworth
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Deadlines and Scarlet Monastery. So many memories of runs there.

Deadmies because it's usually people's first dungeon. Everyone is in the same boat at that point; turning up in white gear with the odd green, slowly making your way through. If people start getting lucky with green drops you can actually feel the run get easier as people pick up gear with stats on them. If you have a good group it isn't too hard despite the gear. It's even better if someone brings a level 20 tank friend.
Then the relief as you escape out the back door to the hills South of Westfall, thankful to see the sunshine again. By that time you've usually a picked up a few greens, or a blue if you're lucky, and you already feel more powerful than when you went in. Then the excitement of turning the quest in for a guaranteed blue. Then running it again and again. I just love it.

Same with SM. I'd argue that finding a solid group to tackle Library, Armoury and Cath in one night is one of the most satisfying nights of gaming anyone can have. I ran that place so many times on different characters. The excitement of getting the sword rewards from the quests there on my rogue, or of getting some of Herods sweet loot as a lvl 40
Enhancement shaman. I tore through cloth mobs once I got Ravager, the helm and the shoulder. Like Deadmines, you can leave SM ready to go back to questing knowing that you're a lot more powerful than you were a few hours ago.

I'll also never forget the first time I did Cath. "Let's skip these mobs" we said as we got ready to fight Mograine, having never done it before.
"I wouldn't do that" said one of our guild's experienced rogues.
"Nah we'll be careful."
"Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you" she said as she hung back at the end of the room in stealth. The ensuing wipe was glorious, as was her "I told you so"

Just so many great memories of those early dungeons, and I can't wait to go back.

   teebling Pluuf
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Zord wrote:
5 years ago
Deadmies because it's usually people's first dungeon. Everyone is in the same boat at that point; turning up in white gear with the odd green, slowly making your way through. If people start getting lucky with green drops you can actually feel the run get easier as people pick up gear with stats on them. If you have a good group it isn't too hard despite the gear. It's even better if someone brings a level 20 tank friend.
Then the relief as you escape out the back door to the hills South of Westfall, thankful to see the sunshine again. By that time you've usually a picked up a few greens, or a blue if you're lucky, and you already feel more powerful than when you went in. Then the excitement of turning the quest in for a guaranteed blue. Then running it again and again. I just love it.
Best summary of Deadmines I’ve seen yet.

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US Bigglesworth
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Also, Blackrock Spire/Mountain. The whole place. The mystery, the excitement, the different areas, the quests, the interwoven dungeons and raids...Whether you start in BRD at 52 or raid its depths at 60, It's just a really well designed end-game zone.

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