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6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: Why It Was Great: Vanilla WoW Raiding (video from TipsOut)

The word community gets a lot of play to the point it often loses its meaning. The scale of a group of 40 people collectively communicating, organizing, and collaborating gave a true sense of community. It wasn't just your small group of tightly knit friends banding together, it was a group of often...
6 years ago (Pre-release)
6 years ago (Pre-release)

I played with a 17 year old back when Kronos 2 first launched and he told me he was playing because he had fond memories of playing around the house and growing up with his Dad playing World of Warcraft on the family computer they had in their living room. I think the game was so huge at its peak th...
6 years ago (Pre-release)
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Really depends on how you enjoy playing the game. Some people like to relax when they play and just enjoy the atmosphere while slowly grinding away at whatever they're working on. If you're hardcore into exploration or role playing then it makes sense to play blind. I'd be hypocritical if I complain...
6 years ago (Pre-release)
Re: What patch will they launch with?
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: What patch will they launch with?

Tol0th wrote:
6 years ago
TheZhevra wrote:
6 years ago
Man it would suck if it released with none of the bgs
Not for World PvP. If there are no BG's and no dishonorable kills the world is going to turn into a giant BG.
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: To those making the move from private vanilla servers...

As someone who plays on private servers regularly I gotta tell you nothing thrills me more than the opportunity to set up shop on a permanent server. The looming threat of a shutdown is always a possibility. There isn't a single private server out there that doesn't have some kind of shady dealings ...
6 years ago (Pre-release)
Re: Will the community meet expectations?
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: Will the community meet expectations?

I think the more important question to ask is, what can we individually do to help the community we're looking to build meet expectations? Being helpful, thoughtful, patient, fun and social will make the game more accessible to people that haven't played it before. Returning players can be helped ba...
6 years ago (Pre-release)
Re: Vanilla twinking and class balance
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: Vanilla twinking and class balance

The fun thing about Rogues in Vanilla is that despite that one insanely annoying player that keeps rolling you over and over, not all Rogues were capable of playing the class to the level required for PvP dominance. It has a relatively high skill cap to play properly and dedicating yourself to PvP m...
6 years ago (Pre-release)
6 years ago (Pre-release)

I think things like having ready access to practical and functional party and raid frames in game would be nice. If you count the mail system as UI that absolutely has nothing to do with difficulty and is merely tedious having to send one item at a time. There's just a lack of crucial information on...
6 years ago (Pre-release)
Re: UI customisation in classic
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: UI customisation in classic

I'd like to see a few very minor improvements to the UI that take away the need for excessive addons. So long as the changes are cosmetically consistent with how the old UI looked I think there is room for improvement that wouldn't negatively impact the game.
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: Gold as a meaningful resource in Classic

Running 1.12 means that the mount costs have been changed so that the talent is the real expense and the mounts now cost 9g a piece. Originally until a much later patch in vanilla the riding talent is cheap and individual mounts cost upwards of 90g. I realize that the later system is more collector ...
6 years ago (Pre-release)

Re: Gold as a meaningful resource in Classic

They're really going to have to maintain gold sinks like the earlier mount costs and respec prices to keep gold inflation from getting out of control. It's the biggest downside of playing on private servers. It's just way too easy to make too much money. Looking forward to gold being a real hot comm...